Well not unexpectedly the season came to an end on Saturday morning when the intruding male broke the final egg.
As EJ is still in brooding mode she is still spending a lot of time on the nest brooding non existent eggs.
It now remains to be seen what will happen next. A variety of things could happen but as always with ospreys they will usually surprise us.
I guess the only way to find out is to keep watching.
Tiger Signature
Oldshoremore said:How do we all look when we've just got out of the shower....
Our herring gulls are red listed birds. Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.
Rusty 2, welcome to the madhouse!
Welcome Rusty. It is a good day indeed to emerge from lurking :)
Birdie Num Num's brilliant DU summary 2017
Hello Rusty2 and welcome!
Chocoholix shiny new 2018 Interactive Osprey & Chick Chart! (with clickable links!)
Hi Rusty - I'm new this season, and still feeling my way round the techie side of things. But I can tell you, everyone is VERY helpful - just ask a question, and you'll receive excellent advice!
rusty2 said: I have lurked for at least 5 years (I am a member!) now trying to post because I have never seen anything like this. I have been glued and, like you all, am so pleased Odin is back. Goodness knows what will happen next but I will be here if I can work this posting thing out!
I have lurked for at least 5 years (I am a member!) now trying to post because I have never seen anything like this. I have been glued and, like you all, am so pleased Odin is back. Goodness knows what will happen next but I will be here if I can work this posting thing out!
5 years is an awful long time to lurk. When I first saw a message board I lurked for 15 days before taking the plunge. Life was changed forever.
The shower has just passed over me and can confirm as with most evenings this week we have sun.... sadly seen non all day:-)
And to think this thread started like this "Well not unexpectedly the season came to an end on Saturday morning when the intruding male broke the final egg". We really do not know everything do we
Every egg a bird
Thank you all. So nice to be in touch. It looks like a lovely evening at LG. It does upset me that EJ is still brooding on an empty nest cup though.
Hi Clare and Moffer and OSM and Cirrus and Rusty and everyone! Isn't it a great day? She looks beautiful. I cannot wait to see Odin's Magnificence again. May Odin be healthy and strong for EJ and for us too, this season.
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