DAILY UPDATE ~ Loch Garten nest ~ Friday, 08 May 2015

As a new morning begins Odin the Magnificent is still missing - I am sure we would all like to know that he is alive and safe.
Yesterday was much the same - intruders still harassing EJ on the nest, lack of fish.
While EJ is still defending the nest and the eggs the lack of food must be telling on her.  This is now becoming very serious for EJ and her eggs. I am saddened at what is happening - this shows how nature can be so cruel.
It does seem that EJ is allowing one of the males to defend her on the nest, but he needs to bring EJ a fish and EJ needs to accept the fish.
I dread to think where this is all heading.  Not even a wise man would try to predict where this is going and I certainly would not even try.
So as for our new bird OC we will have to watch closely
As we start a new day with EJ sitting on the eggs all is quiet for the time being.
So who knows what today will bring?  Hopefully  at least a fish and maybe a miracle.
It is with a very heavy heart I written this this post.

"Birds are, quite simply, little miracles - and as such they require care and consideration."

Magnus Ullman

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