Quite prolonged and heavy rain couldn't spoil yesterday. EJ supplied Egg #3 almost like clockwork and without too much effort; and Odin sat on the nest with his beloved (really he just wanted to incubate).
A mild alarm just now (I could only hear plinks of rain) alerted EJ and therefore there's a shot of the three eggs to start the day:
Odin keeping the eggs warm while EJ eats.
Birdie Num Num's brilliant DU summary 2017
Well, it took a bit longer than I anticipated! I'm just back and see he delivered an EJ whopper! Good for Odin. He is still incubating
Birdie's DU Summaries 2018 https://www.imagicat.com/
18.26 Radio chaffinch is either having a duet or has a two tone call!!
19.09 and Odin is still incubating
EJ's back with some fish. It only looked like the tail fin. Odin has taken it and left.
EJ is back
"Birds are, quite simply, little miracles - and as such they require care and consideration."
Magnus Ullman
My Flickr account is here
Normal service has resumed. EJ is on the nest calling softly to Odin ;)
Odin (I presume as EJ is not alarm calling) has flown over the nest, and around a couple of times. Only brief blurred views in flight, and the sound of his wings. EJ was very alert watching him.
Night has come on 21:22
I will do tomorrows DU as I off to Minsmere leaving home about 0400/0500 if that is ok