Quite prolonged and heavy rain couldn't spoil yesterday. EJ supplied Egg #3 almost like clockwork and without too much effort; and Odin sat on the nest with his beloved (really he just wanted to incubate).
A mild alarm just now (I could only hear plinks of rain) alerted EJ and therefore there's a shot of the three eggs to start the day:
Thanks for starting the new DU, scylla :) As usual EJ's looking quite phenomenal.
Warning! This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar. Approach with extreme edginess.
Heron77 said:As usual EJ's looking quite phenomenal
Drenched and bedraggled, but phenomenal ;-*
Ach! Just remembered, I have to help assemble a new kitchen table sometime in the morning. Guess I'll have to fly off and try and roost ;'(
Happy watching, everyone :)
Plink plonk is light, but she is wet. Will Odin come and visit her ? She is now looking back at something...
Imagicat || Tiger's links || 2022 LG Obs
Just flapped off some water:
Up for some big noisy flaps:
Back to her eggs:
Day cam has come on at sometime when I wasn't looking. All watercolory.
DAYCAM 0529hr
Mostly she's looking back - at Odin, I suspect.
Maybe he will find a fish for his soaked sweetie. <3
Morning SCYLLA and CC if you are still around Poor EJ