Balgavies Loch Ospreys 2015

Figured since all the other ospreys have new threads, I'd start a new thread for the nearest (visitable) nest to me, Balgavies Loch.  There seemed to be a few people in the hide so I didn't go in as I had the dogs with me to read the log to see what has been happening.  I know most people don't mind the dogs but if it is busy we give the hide a miss.  We did the walk around the loch and saw plenty of action from the ospreys.  The male chased off a heron and flew overhead before he got down to some frisky stuff with the female, so I guess that means they don't have eggs yet?

  • Thanks SueC I was caught up in the excitement of it maybe being Blue YD, I forgot about any changes to under wing pattern in adulthood.   

    Will be nice to see some early photos of Blue YD if they post any though.  

  • See the LATEST PHOTOS posted on Balgavies Facebook Page.  A wonderful Heron shot too.