Happy New Week
Lovely day here too,although just looking out its clouded over.
That sounded like a practical idea Brenda but for the tractor to drive over it, no doubt ruining someones handiwork well that seems very silly and of course made it more dangerous than ever. Hope the problem gets resolved.
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
LOL Brenda! We have some really bad ones in our town, and what's even more annoying is that the Council keep putting notices in the local paper saying they are on top of the job, and "please advise us of any potholes!".
I got my laundry out, and Bonnie helped in the garden by pulling up several daffodils whilst I wasn't looking.
Here is a test photo from my latest pictures, to see if I can still post things on this new pc:
My Stellata, which is well covered in white flowers this spring, and is a joy to behold -- this is just a portion of it.
Here is Bonnie, enjoying being by the sea, but more impressed by the smells around her than the beautiful scenery....
And looking at more smells instead of enjoying the gorse display....
A couple of days ago, in the garden with one of her favourite toys - look how she's grown:
Lindy Bonnie is just gorgeous love the tail.
LINDY Thanks for the bonnie pics of Bonnie. They do grow so quickly at that age.
Turns out my wrist was a flame up of arthritis. No need to wear the splint anymore, but it will be a couple of weeks yet before I am able to unscrew the lids off coffee jars etc. Was told that because it is arthritis it could flare up again anytime.....doom.
Enjoying my new jigsaw which is one of gibsons "I love" series, in this case "Spring"
She has perfected the correct show ring stance, in the last photograph, Linda.
Sorry about your arthritis, Dibnlib. Certainly hope that the "flare ups" will be very infrequent. If I remember correctly, your jigsaw will not be easy, but fantastic when it is finished.
Awww Lindy Bonnie is just so cute. The instincts in spaniels to sniff and seek is amazing.