WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY, APRIL 12, 2015

Happy New Week

  • Clare: That's a shame about the bad rap temp work gets.  Ha! At a quick glance, I read that Limpy had "a cocktail on his shoulder and two more on his lap"  :-))

    Lindybird: Whoever filled your ironing basket left a pile of dirty laundry in mine.

    Margo: Can't think of a better reason to not post than sitting in the garden with Billie nearby - of course, the upset tummy will have to go!  Seriously, sorry the chemo schedule is getting messed up due to holidays.

    OG: Sounds like thinks are coming along well at daughter's house. Very nice that you're all there to help.

    dibnlib: What a pain about your wrist; wonder what happened.... let's hope it's just a sprain.

    Hallo everyone else.  :-)

  • Good Morning, and thanks to Annette for starting us off on a new week. Dry here but rather cloudy. Next door's magnolia is just glorious this year, its huge and covered in creamy cups - beautiful.
  • Hello All - Nobody about today! I have not been here much over the last few days as I have been watching all the osprey webcams on and off all day, so exciting now that the nests are all occupied again and so much to watch.  Very cold wind today so I shall not be doing much gardening.

    Dibnlib - Yes I have seen the tortoises in the garden at Dochgarroch. I have lunch sometimes at the Oakwood restaurant and then walk along the canal and always have a look at the tortoises in the summer when they are out.  I had a long chat with the owner one day, she brought them up from England with her like I did with mine.

    It is very interesting to read about them on the fence, but I would not do that, I would be afraid of getting them stolen! It is a very low fence and easy to climb over. It is very common to get your tortoises stolen as they are very difficult to come by these days, rules for importing them have changed.  My son knows of several tortoises stolen, one person had her entire collection of 40 tortoises taken and was never able to trace them.  

  • Unknown said:
    Clare: That's a shame about the bad rap temp work gets.  Ha! At a quick glance, I read that Limpy had "a cocktail on his shoulder and two more on his lap"  :-))


    On a more sad note the referendum in Malta to ban the hunting has been won - very narrowly - by the pro hunters.  Shocking.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Sunny day here but the wind has increased this afternoon. I have washed heavy , winter jumpers of ours, which are now drying outside. Hopefully we won't need them again until next winter.

    We went to visit our daughter yesterday. A very enjoyable day but I really was tired when we returned home late last night.

    Annette, Thanks for starting the page, once again. No chance of us going 'au naturel' in our climate, so we will have to keep filling the laundry baskets and washing our clothes 

    OG, So pleased that daughter is settled back in her own home. I see that Dad is making himself useful. I presume this is preparing the house for sale :-((

    Dibnlib, Sorry that your wrist is now in a splint and is so painful.

  • Windy, sunny, showery, .. choose whichever season you want to call it today!

    BRENDA -still don't know if the house will be sold!  Divorce proceeding very slowly, unfortunately.

    OH has been busy, but also lots of conversation going on!  Dinner now appearing from kitchen!  being well-fed!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • RITA, thank goodness for the rules governing the import of tortoises. I believe they used to be grammed into containers and the majority of them died. I had wondered about the vulnerability of the three at Docgarroch, but so far so good. I guess so many of our loved bets are in danger of unscupulous thieves.

    Have been meaning to say we too have a very reliable painter and decorator. He refuses any food and black coffee only. Have no problem giving him the keys to our house if we are not in. Ditto a plumber, joiner, electricion and tiler. Wouldn't hesitate to give you their numbers.

  • Dreadful news, Clare. I know what I'd like to do if I ever got to Malta! We took a walk in a park today, and had to stop every few yards for people who wanted to admire Bonnie! She bounded around and enjoyed meeting other dogs, large and small. She slept like a baby on my knee, later....
  • Hello all and thanks to ANNETTE for getting us going.

    It has been bright but fairly cool today so OH decided not to do any gardening. I think he was due a break, he tells me that he has got 55 begonias potted up over the last couple of days and lots of geraniums also.

    CLARE- Like ANNETTE, I thought that LIMPY was surrounded by cocktails! The perils of speed reading?

    LINDY- Back to normal and feeding the washing machine! BRENDA also by the sound of it. We are not yet at the stage of discarding jumpers,OH has changed from crew neck to V neck and that is as far as it goes!,(Ne'er cast a cloot till May is oot)

    Nice to hear from you RITA, it does get quiet on here at this time of year, I suppose we are all either gardening or osprey watching.

    If I remember correctly OG and EE will be travelling home tomorrow. Safe journey x

    MARGO- What happens if you don't go outside with Billie? Does she come running in if she gets a fright? I know that you suspect that she was ill treated and that is why she is nervous. I'm just wondering if there is such a thing as behaviour modification for nervous animals. Perhaps someone on here knows about these things.

    I'd better go and load the dishwasher. Yesterday's party for Mia went very well but I have felt a little lethargic today. Of course there was far too much food but not a lot wasted just divvied up between the family as usual.

  • Dibnlib - I agree with you absolutely about the new rules governing the import of tortoises, it was terribly cruel and I believe about 95% were dead before the end of the summer.    They were also sold at very little cost to people who really did not know how to provide the right care for them.   My eldest son is a vet who specialises in tortoise medicine, people make really long journeys to visit him with their tortoises.   There is a nice person who works at the farm shop outside Beauly and talking to her one day I found that she knew my son in Solihull, she used to take her Leopard Tortoises to him! (not from here, she lived down there at the time).

    Changing the subject, I am in need of an electrician, if you would recommend one, mine went off to work off-shore,and I cannot seem to find anyone else.

    I should have said this first, not last, but I do hope that your wrist improves soon and is not giving you too much pain.