Morning all. Nothing to report.
Thanks all for overnight and morning reports. Nest looks much better shape than last year (better cup, less flat) - except for branch across the middle - but I am sure this will be arranged several more times before egg laying in the middle if the month!
Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!
saw them both arrive, wondered if there was another Osprey around given both their reactions. Both had half eaten fish in tallon and their return seemed urgent.
All I ask is the chance to prove that money can't make me happy. Spike Milligan
Soosin said: saw them both arrive, wondered if there was another Osprey around given both their reactions. Both had half eaten fish in tallon and their return seemed urgent.
I was thinking the same, and now EJ just stands there looking around
my photos in flickr
Hi OG - think the different cameral angle this year means we're seeing the cup more clearly. Is there any word from Caerlaverock yet??
I agree Soosin. EJ is very alert and watching something.
Auntie/Sandy, - Yes she been on nest a good few minutes. seem like on 'lookout; she hasn't attempted to continue feeding
EJ wit half-eaten fish and on the alert for something
Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!
Index Thread
Both on the nest on the look-out
Odin returns tot he nest, but she's not going to share the last of her fish so he tidies up . He approached her then and she went for him. He's def not getting any fish
Are you sure that's Odin?