Daily Update (LG Nest) Monday, April 5, 2010

Morning all. Nothing to report.

  • Hi Annette,


    Odin's behavior for the last two days has been troubling . I would have liked to believe it isn't  our dear  Odin.

    So I pasted   the  picture of Odin that Tiger posted that was taken 21/4/09   and the  picture Cirrus posted  yesterday into a word document to compare them .  It IS Odin


    Odin has 3 eyebrow like markings that are   over his right eye. These eyebrow like markings are stacked one above the next . Then he has a long thin marking  above the eyebrow like markings . I can see all of these markings on  both pictures

    I hope  he is a better provider today 



    Formerly known as Barbara Jean

  • Hey Barbara Jean: I didn't tune into the cam until after the chicks had hatched last year, so don't know how Odin was pre-chicks. Perhaps his "provider" instincts will kick in once the eggs arrive. In the meantime, at least we know EJ is capable of fishing for herself.



    This is my third year watching the LG nest

    Odin was a great provider from  day one. He did  aerial displays and  then presented  EJ with fish.  She never had to nag him to go fishing. At times she had more fish then she or the chicks  could eat. 


    Two years ago her mate Orange VS was a poor provider and we heard  her  pathic  food begging   all day  long.  There were  3 chicks and the  nest fighting was  awful because of the food shortage. The  oldest chick Nethy  would not let  the 3 rd chick get food and it died.  EJ  gave what  little food arrive to the chicks and  only ate the tails  or bit they could not eat .  OVS  would  catch fish and sit in the tree near the nest and eat it , while EJ and  the chicks begged for food . It was so sad. Finally when the chicks were only  a few weeks old  and normally not old enough to be left alone  EJ was too hungry to  wait,  so she left them alone and  started fishing for  herself and them . After that she  did  nearly all the fishing . Once in a while OVS would bring in a sample size fish that   was consumed in minutes. 


    We fell in love  with Odin because  he was such a great provider .  But EJ is our first love! 

    Formerly known as Barbara Jean

  • Hi Annette and Barbara Jean.  I don't think we can bee to hard on Odin at this stage.  Remember, last season EJ showed him just how proficient she was at catching fish, and then when he first arrived back at the nest this season, what does she do but mantle over her fish and not share with him.  It's no wonder he's become so 'relaxed' about it all! LOL! Also, we must remember he's still a young bird, and last season was probably his first successful one.  I think he was absolutely amazed at just how much fish was needed by his hungry chicks then.   I'm sure he'll step up t the plate when EJ is brooding and really needs waiting on.  Until then, it may well be a matter of  'Don't carp at me, woman!  If you're so hungry, go fishing yourself - you're good at it and the excercise will do you good!  You'll be sitting still long enough soon!' 

    Smiles, Jan.

  • Oh dear. Didn't know the background, though I've heard OVS was a loser. Hmmm. Well, let's see how Odin performs over the next day or so...

  • Hey Wattle, well, she does have that tummy roll.....  :-)

  • Getting light at LG; can see the trees now.  No dazzling light (yet) but center of nest suddenly looked a little brighter than the rest.  Full moon????

  • The Full Moon was last Monday (a week ago), Annette. Must just be the dawn light.

  • Ah so. Tx. Daiane: Anyone else out there?  Did I see something fly quickly over the nest (almost out of view) about four minutes ago?

  • I just now got the webcam back on, Annette. Had to shut down for a while for a passing storm. Sorry.