Morning all. Well, looks like we've got an exciting day tomorrow, whoops, today UK time, with some people (like me) maybe seeing Super Odin for the first time this year (or ever). For those who missed it, BigRab caught Odin's arrival and Emma Peel posted it on yesterday's Daily Upate - thanks so much Emma - and BigRab - Haven't had time to watch it myself yet!
Empty nest at LG (and, she whispered, no cam at all at LOTL).
EJ left the nest, maybe to go fishing .
Formerly known as Barbara Jean
Unknown said: There is a new blog from David at LG, introducing staff for the year.
There is a new blog from David at LG, introducing staff for the year.
I always worry if Odin doesn't come back fairly soon because of that blasted fishing line last year. The consequences could have been dire!!
Everything in life is speaking in spite of its apparent silence.
Odin is nearby or EJ wouldn't be calling him for food. He is just ignoring her. A rerun of OVS
Are we certain this IS Odin? He isn't acting like the Odin we saw last year
Unknown said: Are we certain this IS Odin? He isn't acting like the Odin we saw last year
Okay people had another look at the male and we are as sure as we are going to be that it is Odin, in fact take this as confirmation, IT IS ODIN!!
Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!
Been out all day and just caught up with comings and goings. Hope you all had good day rolling eggs etc. Thanks for all comments and updates.
All I ask is the chance to prove that money can't make me happy. Spike Milligan
Anybody: I'm depressed about EJ and Odin. Does anyone have any info about them that will cheer me up?
Cirrus: I had to go out for a couple of hours and missed - well, not much by the sounds. Have they not been seen this at all this afternoon? Or is it that bloggers are Missing in Action due to Easter stuff??
Mon morn, just catching up with yesterday's goings-on. Thanks to the day shift for details & pics. It looks like we are in for another drama-filled season with, already, Odin not behaving as expected. LOL
Don't be depressed Cirrus. We've had such excitement with the return of Odin the magnificent. I think he's probably tired after his long journed and EJ has not been what you would call welcoming has she? She's been moaning at him all day. Lucky we don't have sound. They'll be fine once they have adjusted to the cold damp weather and decide to get on with the business of homemaking and settling back into the LG area. They are making the most of their freedom by not staying on the nest too much. They will be nest-bound for long enough. Its their time for some exploration!
Everything is fine Cirrus. EJ was just being her normal hen-pecking self and Odin ( after mating 9 times and delivering a fish ) decided that Sunday is a day of rest.