Daily Update, Saturday, April 3, 2010

Starting this early because I don't want to forget Tiger's last post on the previous day's update, which was "The male osprey is back at Kielder."    Can Odin be far behind?    LG nest empty; Marge snoozing at LOTL.  Come on guys!

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  • Well its the third of April today- will Odin reappear?  Hope so! 

    Thanks to those who posted info about grabbing pics yesterday.  Will endeavour to give that a go - the nest is in darkness at the moment so not much point at present. (its 11.02am Eastern summer time in Australia.) Happy Easter to all and hope there isnt too much more snow at Loch Garten.  cheers, jude.


  • Hey Jude: We haven't seen you for a bit - yes, let's hope Odin shows up - tomorrow would be very nice.

  • OK guys, too tired and creaky to hang out tonight. Sorry!  LG nest is empty; Marge fast asleep at LOTL. Night all. (And if EJ shows up now, we'll know she has a laptop and is reading the posts!)  :-)

  • You were right, Annette. There's now an osprey on the nest. I assume that it's EJ, but the light is still not good. I think EJ reads the threads.

  • EJ is sitting on the edge of the nest and calling almost continuously in the same direction (no sound, but her beak is moving). She's not engaged in any nest building. She looks quite bedraggled; it's either snowing or raining.

  • EJ's now doing some furniture rearranging in earnest, but she's still very vigilant.

  • She used her body in an attempt to hollow out the frozen nest cup, and then she beat her wings several times and flew away in the direction that she had been staring for so long.

  • EJ is making repeated trips back and forth to the nest. However, she isn't really doing much nest building right now. She's mostly scanning the sky, head bobbing, and calling. She does appear to me to be in good condition; she must have found sufficient fish during the blizzard.

    Ok. I have filled in for Annette, but I'm going to turn this over to the day shift. Most important info: I have not seen any sign of Odin or any other ospreys.

  • Soooooooooo, eating fish gives one a tummy roll, hm?

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