google earth streetwalk
In February we said goodbye to Millicent, EJ's 100th chick to fledge from the famous nest. We continue to watch Breagha, our only remaining tagged osprey juvenile.
In March we await the arrival of EJ and Oden, to start another family of fascinating bobbleheads.
I have keyboard problems - s l o w!
Hello Gabbers all. Sad to hear DOP has been broken into :( . Starling I made the mistake of buckling to the pitiful cries of my dog when I first got her, she was missing her mum and sisters! She stayed in our room till the day she died at 16 years old!
June I love your white helibores or Christmas roses. I have discovered mine they have just come up and to think I was accusing poor OH of digging them up! I take it all back! I think I will buy more of a different colour, I have only purple ones.
H. do so well, I should buy more
DYFI break-in: TERRIBLE!
Brilliant news!! 30(05) is on her way home! I think EJ must be travelling as we speak!
Hope so!!
From Faceboook
From an email.
Too much of a good thing?? I Just want EJ and Oden back safe and a cam to watch them!!!!!!!!
Sorry am late posting this but I had business meetings all day in Aberdeen.
May I wish all readers A HAPPY ST PATRICKS DAY.
THANKS MUCH, KEITH FOR REMINDING ME. It's only noon here so should still be much good IRISH music on WOBO