Last week's Chat thread is HERE.
Thursday, March 5, is the Full Moon.
On March 6, NASA's Dawn spacecraft will arrive at the dwarf planet Ceres. Ceres is the largest object in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.
The Dawn space probe will spend several months observing Ceres and sending back the first close-up images of a dwarf planet in our solar system. You can watch the spacecraft's arrival at Ceres on a special broadcast of the Slooh Observatory:
U.K.: Friday 6 March at 6:00 p.m.Eastern U.S.: 6 March at 1:00 p.m.California: 6 March at 10:00 a.m.
Scientists have already detected mysterious bright spots on Ceres and are anxious to discover what they are. INFO
Everyone have a great week!
Lindybird said:Its a nightmare buying him footwear as he has size 12 feet
"Birds are, quite simply, little miracles - and as such they require care and consideration."
Magnus Ullman
My Flickr account is here
Lindybird said:His cousin, incidentally, takes size 14!!!!!
LINDY- My OH is the same. Cautious about insignificant amounts but once his mental wallet is open has no problem :-))
MARGO- lovely to read your long post, great that bloods are OK. The new eatery sounds good.
Yesterday I awoke to quite a bit of snow and had snowy/sleety showers all day but it has all thawed away today and we have had lovely sunshine most of the time. I went to Inverness on Monday and visited two garden centres, had a nice lunch at one and bought several plants at the other, I hope the weather will be nice enough to plant them tomorrow.
George - I hope the weather will be good for your visit up here at the week-end, enjoy your lunch at the 'Mustard Seed', I have been there a few times and always had a good meal.
Margo - glad to hear that you have been having some nice days out with your OH, you live in a lovely part of the country, I love the New Forest. My parents-in-law lived in Highcliffe very close to the beach and we used to have many holidays there with the children when they were young.
OG- I am glad to hear that you like your new Dentist and that your OH turned out to be the hero of the day!
Annette - No wonder you felt so tired after such a night, hope you are recovering now. Thank you so much for all your lovely pictures, what beautiful blossom and gorgeous butterfly,I would love to see one of those, have seen them in wildlife films.
Starling - How are you getting on with your lovely little Baxter? He looks so cute, I am sure he keeps you busy all day, hope he sleeps at night!
Lynette - How nice for you to sing with the music group in church, it sounds an interesting combination of instruments.
Clare - Glad to read that you have bought a new car,hope it is going well.
Brenda - I can understand you having mixed feelings about your son and wife going to Singapore, I would feel the same. It will be a good opportunity for them though and I am sure the two years will pass by quite quickly, with them coming home for visits and you visiting them as well. You could talk to them on Skype also.
Heather - Hope your Daughter will find a house soon as it must be unsettling for her at the moment.
Lindybird - Glad your OH found some footwear in the end!
Margo – Glad you are feeling so much better that you can wander the “highways & byways” and have such a lovely meal.
Linda – How nice it is to hear of your holiday while you are enjoying it.
Aussieland has very strict laws about bringing in food. Even between states eg no fruit into SA.
Annette – I think you asked how far to nanny duty. It is 45 mins by car, longer this month as it is Mad March with lots of visitors for car race (last week) and various festivals. Traffic is quite busy. Miss3 won’t start school until she is 5 y 4 m under the new single intake a year rule. She can start kindergarten a year earlier. Meanwhile she is one very smart cookie - always counting, comes out with the most amazing sayings and has an incredible imagination. Last week she told a complicated story of unicorns, buying wings for them and it went on & on, complete with facial expressions and smacking her brow when one unicorn missed out on his wings. Do we have a budding author?
I nursed 5 babies to sleep yesterday, or one twice, t’other 3 times. I was left to put L to sleep while Dau took other two to get library books. At 3rd try L settled, so I attacked the ironing <sigh> & a few other chores while I had no interruption, sat down for 5 mins & the library excursion was over. The washing went on so late that it was too late to hang it outside. OH is nanny today but Dau is going to BabyBounce (for toddlers) this morn, so he gets a shortened day. (6 hours instead of 8). The twins will come home cranky & tired; J will be upset by strange surroundings. Rather him than me!!!
I’m counting days. Sunday week is my first bus trip for this year. Another at end of March, a weekend to Mt Gambier in April, then a 10-day trip to western Victoria staying in Horsham & Stawell. More details later.
Lovely to read all your news and Margo a lovely long post. Glad you enjoyed your days out. Sometimes its better to go off without satnavs etc and just see where the fancy takes you. Glad you found a pub that served lovely food.
AQ - nice long post from you and well done with your nannying, glad OH is helping too. Try not to do too much and wear yourself out.
picture for tonight of an elephant in Tembe park, looks like a bull. He just seems to be enjoying himself as he hasn't budged for well over 15mins.
Off to the gym in the morning so hope to do a few lengths. Weather has been great today except for the cold wind. Put washing out and it dried. Lovely to get it outside again.
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
AQ: So glad you're still putting time aside for your trips. Wish there was other help available (assume other grandparents are still unable to pitch in?)
No nap today but have taken it pretty easy; off to bed early.
Take care everyone.