Daily Update, Tuesday, March 30

Looks really cold at LG and LotL tonight with the LG nest under snow?  Also noticed earlier - before the snow arrived -  that the light at LG isn't nearly as bright as it has been.  And poor Marge all on her ownsome at LotL. 

  • Thanks Alan that's reassuring.  Weather here is dire as well although no snow.  Can't help worrying about the birds all the same!!

    Everything in life is speaking in spite of its apparent silence.

  • evening all

    goodness, its like November again.  We;re fine here on the coast as far as snow goes, but don't kow how the gardenfence will cope, its blowing a gale, and the fence is swaying furiously. Hey ho.  Just been getting up to date her and at lowes.  See Madge is having to cope with an interloper whoc seems to be making herself at home on the nest.  According to their blog I think its the interloper on the nest just now. Come boys your girls are needing your help defiending the nests.

    All I ask is the chance to prove that money can't make me happy.
    Spike Milligan

  • Hi Soos,  It doesn't look like it's going to let up for the next two days / Think of the staff at LG thinking they've got rid of all the snow etc.   The only thing tio be sure of is it will go away .. sometime!!

    Everything in life is speaking in spite of its apparent silence.

  • Hi Tish I read in the blog that they have had snow in April/may and even June before. Fingers crossed for a quick departure from it this year. We're hoping to get up in the next few weeks for Crested Tits oh and of course Ospreys. Mind you no matter when you go its always stunning  whatever the weather.  Picture below was early morning mid October when Ospreys were long gone.

    All I ask is the chance to prove that money can't make me happy.
    Spike Milligan

  • What a brilliant capture.  Loch Garten .. I know by the boulder at the front   lol It's quite ethereal.  Like you we have howling gales and driving rain.  Not pleasant.  Night  xx

    Everything in life is speaking in spite of its apparent silence.

  • Tish & Soosin: I'm not overly concerned about the adverse weather. It never lasts for long at this time of year and, although undoubtedly unpleasant, older birds like EJ have seen it all before. As Richard said recently on the blog, before the eggs have been laid it's not really a problem.

    Soosin: Stunning photo!

  • Sandy thanks for the reassurance I think I go over the top a bit with worry but I am wishing better weather shortly so EJ can return to her nest.


  • Soosin said:

    Hi Tish I read in the blog that they have had snow in April/may and even June before. Fingers crossed for a quick departure from it this year. We're hoping to get up in the next few weeks for Crested Tits oh and of course Ospreys. Mind you no matter when you go its always stunning  whatever the weather.  Picture below was early morning mid October when Ospreys were long gone.


    Stunning picture Soosin.


  • Unknown said:

    I also have not see EJ today but there is no need to worry. Lots of ospreys head for Findhorn Bay to fish in the estuary and there will be no snow there.



    Thanks Alan pleased to hear that she can fish in Findhorn Bay.  Trying hard not to worry but I still do.  Thanks for the osprey sighting info as well.  Seems like there are still quite a few coming in.


  • Margobird:  I think there are a lot more ospreys to come judging by the increasing numbers sighted in France. The next few days should see a peak in sightings I think.