WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2015

Happy New Week all

  • Heather - sorry your OH is worried over having an endoscopy. I had one two or three years ago (on my birthday!!) and took the advice of my lovely GP - she said, tell them you can't do it without a sedative! So I did, and they put something in my arm - I really didn't know a thing about it until it was over! Worked a treat! Sorry to hear about Sheana. Its very common, and can be distressing as they don't trust anybody. I'm sure they are used to the condition, at the home.
  • Hello all and thank you for chat and pics.

    LINDY,I've forgotten, which island do you go to? OH has had a few endoscopies in the past but is always nervous. I think he will go for the sedation!

    ANNETTE, I've also forgotten when you going to Miss D's birthday?

    I have quite lost the plot,sorry.

    LYNETTE- Your reason for dreading night time calls - same here, like you it was a long time ago,1971. But you never forget.

    DIANE- I think that you and the RTH have great respect for each other--- I love reading your posts, a glimpse of a very different life. Not always easy but never boring?

    Sheana didn't notice that I arrived minus policeman. The home staff are going to chase up her GP again. There certainly won't be a cure but a little symptom control if possible would be good. The problem regarding medication is that she is so very old.

    Regards to all, especially those that I haven't mentioned by name.

  • Have not managed to come on here until now, been very busy all day repotting cactus plants for a meeting tomorrow. Also divided some of my Sarracenias, as it has to be done at this time of year ideally. One of our cactus club members has not been able to come to the last couple of meetings as he is having chemotherapy treatment at the moment and is feeling really grim, we are all worried about him as we have been friends now for nearly thirty years.

    This morning I saw a squirrel in the garden, the first time in the 31 years I have lived here! He ran along my garden wall and sat on one of my wheelie bins for a minute or two and then ran back along the wall and over the gate and down, and into the trees by the drive. I have never seen one in this district ever before and yet we all have a lot of trees in our gardens and all around here. I might have to start watching the bird food now!

    Brenda - I hope that your daughter is settled in her new house now, glad that the weather was dry.

    Lynette - I am glad to hear that your daughter is feeling a bit happier now, hope things work out for her.

    Heather - Sorry that Sheana seems to be getting worse, it must be awful for her imagining all these awful things,and not much you can do about it.

    Annette - My knee is an arthritic knee, I had it x-rayed this time last year, and since then have had three steroid injections and done exercises every day but it has just got worse all the time, especially since Christmas, so I suppose it means a new knee! when I get to the top of the waiting list to see the consultant!

    Lindybird - I do hope the wind will calm down soon and that you can relax in some warm sunshine.

  • Not a good day – I have caught the cold from OH! Bad during night, enough improvement to be manageable during the day (shopping) and now getting worse again for the next night! Quite pleasant weather, with no rain - but a cold wind. Got all the shopping on the list to feed family tomorrow, and have prepared all the veg tonight to be ready for them. Doing main meal lunchtime so they aren’t in the way, and then a simple salad for tea; pleased I had planned to take the easy route and buy desserts etc!

    Linda – good to hear from you yesterday and today! But you are allowed time off to enjoy your holiday and your friends!

    Heather – you must insist that the nephew and the home put an end to evening and night calls from Sheana: you have enough to worry about with your family, and night-time calls cause great stress. Sorry your OH’s gastric problems persist after the anxiety of the eye op; not a pleasant procedure facing him next Tuesday, but best to be investigated.

    Brenda – pleased you got dry weather today, especially for your daughter’s move, even though you weren’t involved in that.

    Lynette – sorry about your church friend.

    Annette – I notice you are dashing about again – please slow down, just a little! Does the g-p have a name, I can’t remember?

    Rita – you also seem to be very busy, despite the knee! Is the shoulder also an arthritic problem?

    Sorry I can’t write more, and am being miserable about a simple cold, but I really do feel rotten, and oh so tired!



    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • OG: I'm so sorry that you've caught the cold. I hope it eases before your visit tomorrow. Take very good care of yourself.

    Heather: I hope your OH's procedure is as easy as possible and the results show no issues. I hope you get some relief from the stress you've been under.

    Rita: Sending you healing energy for your pain. I'm sorry you have to wait for treatment. :-(

    Clare: Wishing you luck on the job search. I hope you find the perfect opportunity.

    Limpy: I hope you're feeling better.

    Lynette: Best wishes for a good outcome for your daughter.

    George G: Thinking of you and hoping things are brighter for you.

    AQ: I hope you're getting some rest and the care for the babies isn't stressing your body too much.

    Tina: I hope your dental issues get resolved soon.

    Margo: As always, sending my best wishes to you.

    Here's a card for all of you!

    Wild Pony, Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge, Assateague Island, Virginia
    U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, photo labeled Public Domain (copyright free)

  • I’m looking forward to the cool change later today, expecting a cool 25 C tomorrow for the start of autumn. I survived yesterday’s nanny day. It included a morning trip to Dau’s Physio. All 3 chn behaved until Mummy reappeared, L fell asleep in car on way home, J had had 10 min nap before we left home and so was unbearable until she finally gave in about 4 pm. Both twins are teething – L has one fang. I dozed off while on the floor amusing a grizzling L and later when, for one magical half hour their naps overlapped, I had 10 mins myself. I hope Dau took her chance. Next week Uni is back and Miss19 says she can help one day a week (has been doing 2). My roster days are changed to Mon & Wed and I expect Tues & Thurs to be recovery days. Eg last night I went to bed early, woke at 5 am, breakfasted & went back to bed til 9 am. Housework? What’s that? I am trying to keep up with your posts and I know Annette had some questions which I may find & answer.

    OG - I hope you are feeling better

  • Unknown said:

    Diane, I have been aware of your weather and wondering how you are coping. Although you talk of 7", I understand that the snow drifting has caused major problems. Good to hear that you were able to food shop.
    Lovely to hear that the female RT Hawk seems to be accepting that you live there too. I wonder will she have a nest nearer to your house this year.

    Brenda: I hope your daughter's move went well and that you're okay.

    I don't know what is going on with the hawks. In the past, I haven't seen them much in the winter, because they always nested back in the flood plain deep in the woods. I saw R.T. and this female courtship flying a while back, but I haven't seen him lately. His mate is now often in the pine tree right across from my front door, where she is roosting every night. I don't know whether something has happened to R.T., and she has now taken over his "territory" or whether he's building a nest for them somewhere close. I haven't walked around in the nearby woods to look, because I don't want to disturb them if they are nest building or have chicks.

    This female is the strangest hawk I've ever been around. She seems to want to be in close contact with me. I went to the mailbox this afternoon, and she flew directly over me twice, very low and slowly. She never vocalizes -- never screams a warning or any other noise. The only reason I knew she was coming near me was that her huge shadow fell over me. I don't know whether to see her behavior as aggressive -- she may have chicks nearby and hawks are fiercely protective.

    R.T. would rarely get that close to me. He always screamed at me whenever he saw me, although I learned that he was just vocalizing and not being threatening. He's a loud bird, in general. If R.T. thought I was a little too close, he'd move away from me or even fly into the woods. This bird will stay close to me. I've read about red-tails that are extremely curious and will watch humans. Maybe she's just watching what I'm doing. She hasn't made any combative moves toward me, like extending her talons or dive bombing me, so I'm just going to stay calm around her. She's very beautiful.

  • DIANE - What a lovely relationship you have with your hawks.

  • Unknown said:

    Diane, I have been aware of your weather and wondering how you are coping. Although you talk of 7", I understand that the snow drifting has caused major problems. Good to hear that you were able to food shop.
    Lovely to hear that the female RT Hawk seems to be accepting that you live there too. I wonder will she have a nest nearer to your house this year.

    Brenda: I hope your daughter's move went well and that you're okay.

    I don't know what is going on with the hawks. In the past, I haven't seen them much in the winter, because they always nested back in the flood plain deep in the woods. I saw R.T. and this female courtship flying a while back, but I haven't seen him lately. His mate is now often in the pine tree right across from my front door, where she is roosting every night. I don't know whether something has happened to R.T., and she has now taken over his "territory" or whether he's building a nest for them somewhere close. I haven't walked around in the nearby woods to look, because I don't want to disturb them if they are nest building or have chicks.

    This female is the strangest hawk I've ever been around. She seems to want to be in close contact with me. I went to the mailbox this afternoon, and she flew directly over me twice, very low and slowly. She never vocalizes -- never screams a warning or any other noise. The only reason I knew she was coming near me was that her huge shadow fell over me. I don't know whether to see her behavior as aggressive -- she may have chicks nearby and hawks are fiercely protective.

    R.T. would rarely get that close to me. He always screamed at me whenever he saw me, although I learned that he was just vocalizing and not being threatening. He's a loud bird, in general. If R.T. thought I was a little too close, he'd move away from me or even fly into the woods. This bird will stay close to me. I've read about red-tails that are extremely curious and will watch humans. Maybe she's just watching what I'm doing. She hasn't made any combative moves toward me, like extending her talons or dive bombing me, so I'm just going to stay calm around her. She's very beautiful.

    [/quote]Is it possible she's waiting for you to communicate with her?  Before I was made redundant I would greet the gulls in our part of the Port of Felixstowe as I came past them, to get them used to the sound of me as well as the sight.  I don't know if that made any difference but when their youngsters were wandering around all over the place last season I was able to get closer to them than I ever have before.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.