WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY FEBRUARY 15, 2015

Evening all:  

Lindybird: Love those poppies - such a wonderful rich color. I love tulips that color too.

AQ: Glad you're feeling better; sorry about the heat.  

Rita:The Epi doesn't usually bloom until June..... 

Battling my way through this jigsaw, which is the hardest one I've ever done (although Van Gogh's Irises was pretty challenging).  However, am packing it in now and enjoying a taste-test comparison of Hagen Daaz's   Caramel Gelato and Dulce de Leche ice cream.  The gelato is much smoother, but I think I prefer the texture of the ice cream.  Both are very sweet, almost too much...

Anyway, have a nice Sunday everyone, especially  Margo, who I hope is feeling better and enjoying some time with her OH.  Also hallo to George!

  • Well, the afternoon gardening hour became an hour and a half, and it hurts! We had two very short showers of light rain, but sunshine around them. OH is still outside – putting the greenhouse shelves up for spring – they come out for the height of tomatoes during summer and autumn. Among other things, I took some very strong-looking Geranium cuttings, re-potted a few things and did a general clean-up and organise.

    AQ – I hope doc saw your Daughter and gave her something for the earache – very unpleasant and will impinge on all your busy lives! I hope the day wasn’t too bad for you. Surely those 40 degree days should be done by now?

    Linda – I know what you mean about trying to find the right size, especially among sale items, but I daren’t stock-pile items as I never know what my weight is doing (thankfully falling right now, but how far?)

    Lynette – sorry the shoulder was too stiff for gym Tuesday, but pleased you managed some swimming Thursday.

    Annette – the drive to and from Malibu sounds lovely via the diversion (especially with bargain shopping en route), but I imagine the coast road would be spectacular too. Pleased you had a good long time with your friend while there.

    Clare – I hope you have heard something today!

    Heather – here the cataract routine seems to include a very quick return visit to check, and don’t change glasses prescription for at least six weeks! I have had a natural reading eye and a distance eye for many years, and opticians just say I was lucky to get them like that, although both need some help from glasses now. Re light waterproof jacket – I got one in Cotton Traders, quite cheap, but with proper sealed seams. I can’t use brolly with walking sticks – I often remark sarcastically “Can’t anyone find something for me to hold in my fourth hand?”!

    Rita – we also opened all our windows this morning to have a change of air right through the house – makes such a difference!

    Put a casserole in the oven at lunchtime – mustn’t forget we still need accompanying veg! All at home this evening. Tomorrow we shall go to Farmers’ Market in the morning (first of the year) and in the afternoon we have the tree surgeon coming to attack the Willow – it grew so much after last year’s “haircut”, that we think it may need pollarding this time; can’t have it keeping sunshine off solar panels!!



    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Unknown said:
    Clare – I hope you have heard something today!

    I've heard nothing today - waaaaahhhhhhhh!  It doesn't help that I'm also trying to find a new car - my poor old one rather catastrophically failed its MOT, just what I didn't need.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • OG- OH won't get new specs prescription for six weeks but he chose to go to optician today for one clear lens because he couldn't see a flipping thing out of the treated eye with specs, but without specs, his vision was good with that eye. His glasses were what you would call bottle bottoms, not so noticeable now with thinned lenses but nevertheless an extremely strong prescription. But only for distance.

    I will look online at Cotton Traders. My sister in law buys a lot from them. Inverness is hopeless. M and S or Debenhams.

  • OH no, CLARE. Hopefully tomorrow. Has LIMPY got a car or will you be stuck?

  • CLARE - sorry your patience is being tested over the recent interviews.  Also sorry about the car - I hope you find one soon.  Thinking of you.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Heather there is a small Cotton Traders dept at Simpsons.


  • J (son) got a very nice warm jacket at CT in Simpson's when we were up there at New Year.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Heather B said:

    OH no, CLARE. Hopefully tomorrow. Has LIMPY got a car or will you be stuck?

    Limpy has a car - I'd be really stuffed without one.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Thank you, guys, I will go to Simpsons when OH can drive me there. He is going to wait for a few days before attempting.

  • My OH was told not to drive for a week, or the insurance is not valid, Heather. He did feel capable after only about four to five days after the op, though. Brenda - I saw the Northern Lights on that wonderful Alaska series, it looked amazing. I would love to see them for real.