WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY FEBRUARY 15, 2015

Evening all:  

Lindybird: Love those poppies - such a wonderful rich color. I love tulips that color too.

AQ: Glad you're feeling better; sorry about the heat.  

Rita:The Epi doesn't usually bloom until June..... 

Battling my way through this jigsaw, which is the hardest one I've ever done (although Van Gogh's Irises was pretty challenging).  However, am packing it in now and enjoying a taste-test comparison of Hagen Daaz's   Caramel Gelato and Dulce de Leche ice cream.  The gelato is much smoother, but I think I prefer the texture of the ice cream.  Both are very sweet, almost too much...

Anyway, have a nice Sunday everyone, especially  Margo, who I hope is feeling better and enjoying some time with her OH.  Also hallo to George!

  • Good Morning, All. Dull & 15 shades of grey here, too. AQ - Had a good laugh over breakfast at your "Bonnie Lassie" story! The Kennel Club assign female names at random to the newborns, so that they can have their official papers, although we are never going to breed from her. I was thrilled to find that they have given her the official name "Lorna Doone" which I think is wonderful. Perhaps I shall call her Lorna when she misbehaves LOL!!!
  • Clare & Heather - Yes, I have also found myself randomly signed out, {sigh} but I have used an easy to remember password so its just an inconvenience. Other password s drive me dotty - Eldest Son has installed a password memory widgit in my new PC. Now I just have to remember to put them all in there.........
  • Off to wash & colour my hair - also 58 shades of grey!!! Meeting friends for lunch and taking my photos of pup for them to "Aaaah" over today. Have a good day, all - hope you're on the better side, Margo.
  • Good Morning Everyone. A colder morning with frost. Still only 0.4c but the sun is shining. We had a very short power cut last night, after which we had trouble reconnecting to the internet. We have had the same connecting problem this morning. A neighbour has just rung to see if he is the only one having trouble.

    AQ, Good to hear you are feeling able to help your daughter. Best wishes to your daughter, trying to to change 'J's routine. It won't be easy.

    Annette, Hard to believe that it is the time for whale counting already. I did laugh at your connection of the bottle to AQ :-))

    Clare / Heather, I find if I use my iPad that I will be signed out on my laptop and vice versa. That can be a bandwidth problem, but we do have a good bandwidth here. A few months ago I had to rejoin the LG group !!

  • Good morning all a very bright day after a very frosty start,  minus 4 first thing. Pleased to say I am feeling a bit better especially having had a better night's sleep. Just the appetite to improve now, looking forward to actually feeling hungry. See that it is not just me but others have had to sign in, has happened every time I have looked in this week.

    Lindybird Amber is such a pretty girl and what lovely eyes she has. So happy that all the problems have gone away and you can look forward to a better year. You have a lot to look forward to with the upcoming holiday and then bringIng Bonnie home. I expect you will be going to Wales at some point to get the caravan ready for summer. I would think Bonnie will just love all  freedom to run on those levels beaches.

    Heather so pleased cataract op want well. Your OH should notice a big difference once the eye settles down.

    Starling thank you for thinking of me. All the support I get from this forum means an awful lot to me. Looking forward to hearing how you nrew addition is doing. You will be busy but I am sure it will also be fun.

    Annette I meant to say yesterday that it must be whale counting time. See you have not Sen any yet but hopefully they will make a show soon. I am indeed trying to get vitamins etc into my system but not easy due tof the affects during and after chemo.was starting to worry that there could be another problem but after research on the drug being used, these are symptoms which can be experienced.

    Clare everything crossed for youm hope you get some good news.

    Limpy beautiful swan pics. Hope your back is improving.

    Heather pleased that OH came through the op. Very sad to read about  Sheana,seems to going downhill now.

    AQ pleased Nanny was not to full on but I did have a giggle about Annette's comment about one of the twins swigging from a bottle. Good to hear you are feeling better

    Brends hope the power cut did not occur when you were cooking or do you have gas as well. Hope the Internet has sorted itself out. When we spoke yesterday I sId OH would probably not get home until about 10pm after his meeting on London. Lovely surprise when he phoned and said "guess where I am". Guessed Waterloo but he was actually at Southampton so home at 7pm.

    Off now to sort out some lunch. Have a good day all and take care.

  • margobird said:
    Pleased to say I am feeling a bit better especially having had a better night's sleep. Just the appetite to improve now, looking forward to actually feeling hungry.

    Hi, Margo!  It was very good to read this - a good night's sleep makes such a difference.

    margobird said:
    Clare everything crossed for youm hope you get some good news.

    I'm keeping everything crossed - yesterday's interview was for not only the right job but the right company as well.  It's so important to me to have lovely people to work with.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Margo, Pleased to read that you had a good night's sleep. Hope your appetite returns soon. You really don't want to lose any weight :-)) I guess your OH enjoyed his meeting with LF, so if you ever needed proof of how much he loves you, to get home by 7pm is definite proof. LOL

    The power cut was after I had finished cooking. We have a gas hob and electric ovens, so I always have an alternative during a power cut. 

  • Enjoyed our lunch - none of us very hungry so we all had soup or a sandwich - I opted for Cauliflower & Cheese Soup, very nice. Came home with a stuffed dog toy!! Everyone wants our puppy!! We can't wait to see her again, but will have to wait, now :-(
  • Brenda - glad that your power cut was after you'd cooked dinner :-). We are all electric but have a gas fire in one room. Margo - good that you had a much better night, it helps so much if you feel more rested. Great that your OH was able to give you a surprise!
  • I've just had a call from the owner of my puppy.  Won't be getting him this weekend after all.  The puppies had their Parvo injection and were wormed, now it seems they have a tummy upset so she wants to keep them another week.  It will be next weekend now.  I'm a bit disappointed, but I'd rather he gets the ok from the vet before I get him.