WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY FEBRUARY 15, 2015

Evening all:  

Lindybird: Love those poppies - such a wonderful rich color. I love tulips that color too.

AQ: Glad you're feeling better; sorry about the heat.  

Rita:The Epi doesn't usually bloom until June..... 

Battling my way through this jigsaw, which is the hardest one I've ever done (although Van Gogh's Irises was pretty challenging).  However, am packing it in now and enjoying a taste-test comparison of Hagen Daaz's   Caramel Gelato and Dulce de Leche ice cream.  The gelato is much smoother, but I think I prefer the texture of the ice cream.  Both are very sweet, almost too much...

Anyway, have a nice Sunday everyone, especially  Margo, who I hope is feeling better and enjoying some time with her OH.  Also hallo to George!

  • dibnlib: One of my favourite bird sounds, the sky filled with geese talking to each other in that unique way they have. Love it!!
  • Dibnlib, Fantastic to hear so many geese flying over. We have been surprised to hear some blackbirds singing in the evening. Late afternoon, today, a thrush was singing magnificently at the top of a tree. Maybe they think Spring is coming earlier this year. .  

  • Sorry if I have misread about Sheana, Heather. Thank you Linda.

  • Brenda: we enjoyed our pancakes, just sugar and lemon, although I do like other kinds. My OH won't eat any other version, though. He is getting stuck in his ways, when I still feel adventurous!! Glad everyone has enjoyed my photos today. We feel very lucky now, as both our grandchildren had a difficult start in life but are now healthy, and my OH has benefited from modern medicine and care.
  • We also enjoyed our sugar and lemon pancakes, Linda. it seems more traditional to have the sugar and lemon on a Shrove Tuesday. Reminds me of when we were children and Mum would make so many for us all. I can't remember when she actually sat down to eat her's.

  • No countable whales today. That's to say there were whales - two southbound whales, but since we only count the northbound migration (focusing on the calves), they weren't noted.  As it was, they were spotted by the folks on the shift before mine.  Weather was cool and overcast and, at the beach, 50 shades of gray with the horizon somewhere in the middle....

    Have a good Wednesday all.

  • Brenda - Thank you, perhaps not quite “fighting fit” yet but improving. I survived my part nanny day (a mere 6 hours as they had gone to playgroup in morning) by doing as little as possible, only the washing and finding a floor (!) in Miss3’s room and amusing small people. Miss L has her first tooth. Miss J is undergoing retraining. Dau is trying to break habit of a bottle just as she goes to sleep. Understandably Miss J is confused. Little does she know that the next step is to go to sleep in cot by herself, not being cuddled to sleep.

    Margo – Hours are always longer at night when one is not well. Hope you are feeling better soon. Fancy you worrying about my wee cold! Yes, I am on the mend.

    Clare – I remember soothing a job-seeking-daughter years ago by saying “It’s like looking for a new house, it takes 6 weeks.” I hope a plum falls in your lap asap.

    Linda – Bonnie is such a nice name. Of course, I am biased. My father had sheepdogs (usually Border collies or kelpies) named Rover (male) or Lassie (female). Yours truly being a great reader one day announced that the latest was not just Lassie but was Bonnie Lassie. My name stuck and eventually was shortened to Bonnie, thus spoiling a long line of Rovers & Lassies LOL. I suppose my father didn’t have to think too hard when calling them . . .

    Annette - Goodness gracious me! Whale season already!!!!!!!!!

    A pleasant 28 C today, blue sky, a little breeze. If only summer didn’t get any hotter than this!

  • AQ: Had to smile at your mention of Dau trying to "break habit of a bottle just before she goes to sleep."  My immediate image was of daughter swigging a bottle of wine each night (which I would do if I had three babies!), but then I realized you were likely talking about Miss J.  :-))  Glad you're feeling better.

  • Good morning, all!  It's another beautiful morning here and it will be even better once the frost has melted!

    Is anyone else regularly finding they are signed out of the Community?  I've become used to the fact I have to sign in every Wednesday morning....and then I'm all right for a week!  All very peculiar.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Good morning all

    Yes, CLARE, I find myself randomly signed out,both on this tablet and my PC.

    Back later -