WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY FEBRUARY 8, 2015

Hi everyone!

  • LIMPY - Thanks for sharing your experiences. I have been trying to imagine you doing your volunteering at Minsmere, and I hoped that you would find it as you describe - those who love animals and bird life do seem, on the whole, to be only too happy to share their knowledge and experience, as you've found. I'm so glad its given you a fulfilling pastime - it must be so rewarding. Sorry to hear your diagnosis, I know you'll battle on with these problems, and do your best not to let them get in the way of doing things you love to do. XX
  • Hello all

    LIMPY- despite all,you are soldiering on, as we say. It was good to read about your volunteering.

    LINDY- so glad that you are feeling better. As you say, by tomorrow, all should be well.

    Not a lot to report from here. We are having one of 'those times'. Sad news healthwise from a few friends plus OHs sister in law died yesterday.

    On a brighter note, youngest daughter and family are staying with us tonight.

  • Sorry you've had various sad news lately, Heather. Funny/peculiar how these things often come in threes or fours. Buried here last week was a man we knew well who died in his 91st year - one of five children himself, he left seven children, 17 grandchildren and 14 great grandchildren!! Not a bad innings!!! ( and he was what you would call "a lovely guy").
  • Just tried to post and it didn't. Will try again.   Thanks for all your news.  Glad to see that Limpy has a diagnosis.  Warmth, anti-inflamatories and painkillers seem to be the order of the day then.  Glad you enjoy your volunteering work, hope to visit Minsmere in April when we are over in Norfolk at a cottagage we have rented for a week.

    Lindybird - what a cutey of a grandson. Liked your cheerup pic too.

    Margo - thinking of you during your chemo week.

    3 pics from Africam taken this pm.

  • Heather - thinking of you too. We all seem to hear of friends, aquaintences or relatives falling ill etc especially at this time of year.

  • Evening all:  Enjoying visit with my friend, who leaves tomorrow.  We went for lovely breakfast at the beach this morning, then to a local park which has a wonderful 360 degree view of Santa Barbara, then to the local art museum, to see an exhibition by Italian artists from the Glasgow Museum. 

    Lindybird: My what big eyes Matthew has!  :-)

    Limpy: What a lovely long post telling us all about the joys of your work at Minsmere. You clearly get - and give - a lot of pleasure. That's so great.  But what, if anything, are they recommending to help your back?

    Heather: One of my local friends went through one of "those times" right before Christmas - she told me there'd been so much bad news she was getting scared to pick up the phone.

    Lynette: Those are great shots from the Africam.

    Off to chat with friend some more. Take care everyone.

  • HEATHER Sorry to hear your sad family news. Hope you had a good time with the family last night.

    Bright morning, I will swim when OH goes to work.

  • Good Morning, All. Still grey here, with rain forecast. Its not rained since we had all that snow in January, and the rain came later to chase it away. Lynette: Enjoyed the Africa pics. Annette: Sounds as if you had an ideal day with your friend - I'm trying not to be jealous as it sounds so idyllic! I feel alright now, so relieved it was nothing grim - I've always been the kind of person who gets a stomach upset at the drop of a hat, so am careful what I eat. Last night we had the last of our Brussels sprouts and my OH had half his plate full of them, as I only dare have a small spoonful - he didn't want to leave any! Of course, later in the evening, he was clutching his chest and looking alarmed..... I then said "Don't forget all those sprouts!!!" and of course, it was only indigestion, as I had predicted, LOL!!!
  • LINDY    no wonder you get stomach upsets if you eat hats!!!!!!! Glad you are better.

  • Just talked to our new milkman - our "old" one is retiring, although he does other things as well which he won't be giving up (gardening, handyman, etc.). We shall miss him badly as we have known him for many years.