WEEKLY CHAT (Non Osprey Topics) SUNDAY FEBRUARY 1st 2015

Where did January go? Really interesting hearing about all the new/pending pups - think you have found some surrogate owners!!!

  • Goodness, it's been busy on here today.

    Had nice (light) lunch outside with friend, then a trip to the garden center. It's a huge area with separate areas designated as "Australian," "South African," "Mediterranean" and "Native" (among others) and planted with trees and shrubs from those areas so you can see what they look like full-grown before you buy them in pots. It's run by an Englishwoman and everyone there is very friendly and knowledgeable.

    Managed to put my feet up and finish a book before heading out to dinner in about 40 minutes. Such a nice day!

    MrsT: Sorry to hear you recently lost your dog; so hard - they're so much a part of a family.

    Lindybird: Maybe you can make some extra cash writing limericks for the poetically challenged? And  yes, that butterfly link did resemble stained glass - thank you!  I have a photo of a Monarch butterfly at the milkweed plant that I'll post; also a fledgling hummingbird (fat little fella) at the feeder. Happy to read more good news about your OH. Like the sound of homemade plum jam - yum!

    Clare: Fingers, toes, and eyes crossed for a good outcome to the interview - I'm sure your face will fit perfectly.

    Wendyb: I too had a laugh at the loo with a view.

    Heather; Actually, I have a lovely California Cabernet in mind for this evening (and don't tell anyone, but I may order fish with it - yes, I know, but....)

    I'm sure I've missed a lot of news in the posts, so apologies if I appear to have lost some of the plot. Off to hose down and then out the door.

    take care all

  • Good Morning. A cold night (I got up to the bathroom in the small hours) and its just getting light here now, with a strip of pretty pink on the horizon. Annette: Sounds as if you enjoyed your birthday, for the first part - hope your meal is up to expectations and you have a grand time!
  • Clare - Lots of luck for your interview today, I do hope it turns out alright for you.

  • Good Morning ALL. We had a covering of snow overnight, which means a very icy start to the day. Hope the thaw starts so we can go out shortly and meet my son for lunch.

    Clare, Best wishes for today. I hope you are offered the job and it is what you want.

  • I'm thinking of Clare, too, as I go around doing the laundry & tidying. Fingers still crossed!! The sun has come out here, now, and the birds are singing as if its Spring already. Hope your snow doesn't spoil your lunch out, Brenda.

    Enjoy your lunch with Son!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Good morning all. Another frosty start but sun is out and hopefully with my assistance the bird baths have thawed out. It is so good to know that the chemo treatment I am receving is still working well and the outlook from a year ago is certainly brighter. I did tell the consultant that my stomach is not too happy for a couple of weeks. She asked if it was tolerable and I said I could live with it but have to ensure  on the good weeks I eat more as my weight does fluctuate. Our snow did not last long thankfully and roads and paths were not dangerous this morning. 

    George you are in my thoughts.

    Lindybird so happy for you both. At long last you can relax and look forward to your holiday and when you come back it will be "puppy time" so much to look forward to. Even though it is so cold my sparrows are getting ready for Spring and pairing up already. Also notice we have a lot more starlings around. Shame Amoer has a bad reaction to jabs, but glad to see she is over it now. What a stunning pic of the butterfly for Annette.

    Lynette lost mobile situation made me smile. I am always leaving my mobile in strange places and have to OH to phone me so I can find it. I must be getting old I think.

    rita  used to love knitting but no longer do so as my fings do not work to well. When my nice was pregnant with her first child I wanted to knit baby clothes but she was adamant that she did not want hand knits. I was allowed to knit a christening shawl which was used for both her son and daughter. My Mum was never without her knitting but sadly she went blind when she was 70 and could only manage knitting squares to make blankets, one of which I still have. Your card for Annete was very nice. You still seem to be accumulating snow so do take care if you go out.

    AQ lol you will have to knit 2 more items for the extra sleeves. Nanny duty obviously getting to you.

    Brenda I can remember my Mum nearly tearing her hair out while trying to teach me to knit. I had little patience and lost interest quickly. I did eventually learn while I was in the Army out in Malta And went on to knit for friends and family. That was another nice card for Annette, beautiful flowers. Have a safe journey and enjoy lunch with your son.

    diane nice to know your RT Hawk is still around and with a mate.

    OG did laugh at the words of wisdom from that child. Hope you and J have recovered and you are not doing too much.

    Heather such a shame about the hooded crow. The darker side of nature is not very nice at times. I can rememer being very shocked when I saw a jay take a baby sparrow in the garden. Did not realise they did this but apparently they will.

    Wendy love the picture in my mind of Daisy taking over the chaise lounge. During tis cold weather OH goes out in the evening and tops the feeders for the early birds. Good to hear your OH has recovered well.

    bjane you do have a lof snow and more expected. We had just an inch in Dorset which as usual caused problems but furtinately it thawed quickly. Do take care of yourself.

    Clare thinking of you and wishing you success.

    Annette how nice to have extended birthday celebrations. Enjoy your meal.

    Have a good day all and take care.

  • Brenda a very Happy Birthday to you.  

  • I would like to thank everyone for their kind thoughts and as most of you have experienced the loss of a pet at some time you all know what it is like. I am still going out for a walk every morning as the weather is cold but dry and I still meet a lot of the people who I used to meet. I am also going to make more visits to Loch Leven during the coming weeks as the geese will be starting to move off.

    I hope Clare is successful in her interview as being made redundant is not a very nice feeling as it has happened to me on several occasions and I was lucky enough to get employment even at 50 but things are a bit different now.

    Hope everyone keeps well

    george g