WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY JANUARY 11, 2015

Happy New Week all: OH and I are off to see The Imitation Game tonight, then will pick up dinner from our favorite Chinese restaurant on our way home.

Heather: You're not living a sheltered life, or if you are, we're all there with you (and happy to be so). Seems like bad language and a general lack of civility are endemic these days - it's so depressing. And to think the English language is so rich yet people have to use the "last resort" words first. :-(

Clare: My friend's daughter is a Downs Syndrome adult now and still needs supervision. It must be a huge worry, especially as parents age. Didn't know it could also mean heart problems as well.

Brenda: Hope the Quiz was fun.

Thanks all for posts! Take care.

  • Unknown said:

    Heather / Linda, I thought they also took into consideration, the value of your home. I have read of children having to sell their parents home to pay for the residential homes.

    Its true that ALL of your assets are taken into account. My mother did not own her house when she was taken ill - but I still have it........
  • Unknown said:

    Thanks Heather. I do know of a family, who are selling their mother's home, in order to pay for a private home. It costs £1200 a week. I have visited the mother and it is like a luxury hotel. 

    The expensive one I mentioned was like a hotel, too. Sadly, by the last year the poor woman did not even know her own grandchild any more, and had no idea where she was.
  • AQ - they are so cute but obviously a handful. Hope you rested today and can enjoy the weekend baby and toddler free.

    Annette - at least you are enjoying sunshine whilst we in Blighty are enjoying!! the cold weather , but it is winter.  Been a cold but sunny day here, missed all the bad weather.

    Heather - talking about health care and the elderly we re-did our wills the other year and put half of it in our names and half in our childrens' names so hopefully if the time comes when one or both of us needs looking after in a home then they can only value us from half the house. At least I think that is how it works but God willing, we won't need to go into a home.I think you have to wait 5 years and if no action has been taken before that time then I think you are reasonably safe to assume that you can only be assessed on half of your home - that is our understanding of the law, hopefully we will carry on for many years to come. Trust that doesn't sound too confusing.

  • Lindybird - that is what happened to me and my brother.  We had to put mum in a home which she was in one for about 3 1/2 years and all her assets were taken into consideration and we had to pay for her keep, or rather my brother took over the financial side of things as he was living in the family home and I was living too far away. By the time she died I sincerely thought that all her savings would be gone but fortunately through my dad's prudent investments as well as my mum's investments and inheritance from her dad there was money left over for her bequests and some for my brother and myself. We were paying at least 800 pounds a month for her upkeep but money well spent and really I wouldn't have bothered if there hadn't been anything for us. Just grateful she was looked after. Sometimes I wonder if we are ignorant of all the facts and care that can be given to the elderly and that they are misguided too as to what they  may be entitled too. Its a minefield of beaurocracy.

    Brenda - nearly over the fall, only a slight graze on forehead to show.  I've got a hard skull!!!! Knee just a little tender but thankfully no major trauma.