I don't know whether Annette will return to the site tonight or not, so I'm starting the Daily Update thread for Monday, March 29, 2010. The LG nest is empty. I assume that EJ is still roosting in a nearby tree. It's not yet dawn at LG.
EJ pausing now after having a good go at the fish: she is still looking around in a musing sort of way. At least the wind does not look so fierce today, to ruffle those feathers.
She's definitely keeping a vigil, isn't she Paul.
Hi everyone:)
Don't know if this will work, but it is a short video of EJ noshing on her fish
Thanks for all the captures, lovely to see. I hadn't seen that snow, not a nice start to the day.
It's a sad pic though isn't it. Poor Ej. I hope Odin does come> Must take cat to vet so Odin will appear while I am gone "!!!!!!!!
Everything in life is speaking in spite of its apparent silence.
Before I go I must say it would be nice to hear all the other bird songs at LG. Does anyone know if the sound is going to be on or not this?year
I do hope Odin will return this year as well Tish. He was such a great father and provider last year.
I have been reading over some of the blogs from last year and Odin was such a hit right from the start - bought back memories.
Happy Days :))
Hi.She's certainly on the look out, Cirrus. Lovely picture. Thanks for posting.margobird: It's a big relief the snows away. Hope the cold weather forecast, isn't too bad. Glad you like the joke.Lindybird: The wind's definately a lot calmer today.Gary: Thanks for the video link. Sadly not working for me though.tish: If Odin arrives while you're at the vet, your cat will become an honorary member of the Loch Garten Ospreys Group, with special prevelidges.Bardsey Bird: I'm also hoping Odin will return. From all the stuff I've read about him, he's a wonderful osprey. Can't wait to see him.
Warning! This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar. Approach with extreme edginess.
Thanks Gary short but something to start this year's video collection off. Need another computer I think to save everything I want to save. Will have to start being selective I think.
Heron I am back si no privileges for cat. Odin was the most handsome, attentive, loving, provider and just a heart throb as far as ospreys go! A looker!!!!!
Bardsey Bird, Hi I love that name .. When you see Odin you will know its him! All of us ladies and perhaps some gents adore him!! LOL
Just hope there is no fishing Line this year! HORRIBLE STUFF!!!!