I don't know whether Annette will return to the site tonight or not, so I'm starting the Daily Update thread for Monday, March 29, 2010. The LG nest is empty. I assume that EJ is still roosting in a nearby tree. It's not yet dawn at LG.
There's a hint of light in the sky now, and EJ (I assume) is on the nest doing a bit of early morning preening.
Off she goes. Maybe to get a little breakfast fish. Maybe to go back to bed for a while. Too early for the early bird.
Morning. :-)
I wonder what she'll come back with. Brown trout, rainbow trout, a stick? If she comes back with coffee and toast, I'm going back to bed for a while. ;-)
Warning! This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar. Approach with extreme edginess.
LOL Good morning, Paul. I hope she brings me a vanilla latte. LOL
I assume that it was EJ, although it's very hard to make positive identification in the night lighting.
The night lighting does make it hard to make a positive identification, although I'm sure it was EJ.
She's back! :-) Although, no sign of coffee or toast.
Ok, she's back, standing on the nest and checking carefully in every direction.
Oh, that's better. We have color. And there's snow on the nest, it appears to me. Poor EJ. She's going to need that hot coffee sitting in that snow.
BTW, Paul, some of the other forums are saying that the return of many of the ospreys may be delayed because of sand storms in the desert on the migration routes. Wonder which side of the storms Odin is on?
Brrr. EJ looks cold. A little stretch. Keep moving, girl. Oh, she's off
EJ pulled one foot up underneath her, like she was cold. Looked frustrated. And flew away.
Oh, hi, AQ. Good to see you! Did you bring me a vanilla latte?
Hi Diane. What is a vanilla latte? I've heard of lattes. We went out recently and the waiter was from Oregon and said he had to learn the names we call coffees. Sorry, off topic!