I don't know whether Annette will return to the site tonight or not, so I'm starting the Daily Update thread for Monday, March 29, 2010. The LG nest is empty. I assume that EJ is still roosting in a nearby tree. It's not yet dawn at LG.
I am looking in from time to time, but not a lot to say, and I don't want to stray off subject!
Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!
Thanks JSB have linked your bookmard for Abernethy weather. At least the snow has melted from the nest now. No sign of EJ for some considerable time but she's 'out there' somewhere.
Morning I think my computer is frozen today Brrr!!!!
EJ just landed on nest with a reasonably sized fish but she doesn't seem that keen on eating it, She keeps looking around I do wish we had sound.. To hear her squeaks......
Everything in life is speaking in spite of its apparent silence.
Yep, tish - she does seem to be 'hopefully' scanning the skies.
Just got back from a shopping mission to see EJ on the nest with a decent sized fish. Also what appeared to be 2 females on the nest at LOTL. Its all happening!!!
Unknown said:
Cirrus I see EJ still knows how to catch big fish. Good capture.
Alan Thanks for the confirmation about the two females at Loch of The Lowes. We have been thinking that.
Tiger Signature
Wish she would turn round I can't see her head.......................that half of the nest you can't see! Here I go moan moan moan
Thank you Tiger. Does anyoine know if the sand storms in 'whatever' desert' have abated and may we expect more Ospreys safely on their way to the UK?
Oh my!! did anyone else see the fish flap? Just the nervous system I trust !!!
Unknown said: Thank you Tiger. Does anyoine know if the sand storms in 'whatever' desert' have abated and may we expect more Ospreys safely on their way to the UK?
Yes Sue C has prepared a nice map. See http://www.rspb.org.uk/community/resized-image.ashx/__size/550x0/__key/CommunityServer.Discussions.Components.Files/915/8272.royd2903.bmp
It is on the "Satellite tracked osprey thread. See http://www.rspb.org.uk/community/groups/lochgartenospreys/forum/t/10254.aspx?PageIndex=4