Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey Topics), 21 December 2014

Happy new week and happy solstice!

Last week's Chat Thread is here.

For most of us, today is the Winter Solstice. Welcome back to the Sun! With the return of the light, I'd like to wish all of my dear friends on this thread a happy holiday season and a new year blessed with joy, abundance, good health, serenity, and love!

The solstice occurs on 21 December at:

2303 GMT
11:03 p.m. in the U.K.
6:03 p.m. in the eastern U.S.
3:03 p.m. in California

And for AQ: Happy Summer Solstice on 22 December at 9:33 a.m.

This solstice is special because it happens within 2 and a half hours of the New Moon. I'm seeing this cosmic event as a fresh start and a new beginning. Woo hoo!

The photo is of the Sun in the midst of a powerful and spreading coronal mass ejection. The photo was taken by the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory, a partnership of the European Space Agency and NASA.

The image is free for non-commercial use.

  • LOL AQ!! Just looking in before we retire to bed, & am hooting with laughter at your wonderful family photos. :-) :-) :-). Thanks for posting!! You certainly had a good family day.
  • AQ  what a delicious looking chocolate cream pie!   Lovely pictures of  girls.  Glad you had a lovely Christmas Day with all the family doing their share of helping out.

      Nice to hear from all the posters on here that they have been enjoying a pleasant Christmas Day.   Here it has been a brilliantly sunny day but very cold and icy.  Lovely Lunch expertly cooked by my Daughter and lots of nice presents to open.   Unfortunately, both daughter and grandson seem to be going down with streaming colds this evening which is a bit of a shame.

  • Evening all: Survived yet another Christmas!  :-))   Only 364 days till the next one.  All went well; grandson and g/daughter's partner were super helpful. I'm taking the train up to my daughter's in the morning to pick up my car (grandson has fixed hers) and bring back her dog and guinea pig to take care of while she's in Arizona.  All in all, a very good day and so nice to see grandson growing into a thoughtful adult. Ms. D of course, was lovely and so sweet.

    Will catch up properly tomorrow evening - I hope! Happy Boxing Day all.

  • Good Morning, All. Damp again here, but no sign of the icy start we were expecting today - maybe that will come later. Annette, glad that you, too, had a happy day with helpful family yesterday. My OH has been suffering a streaming nose since Chr. morning, we await whether it develops into anything worse. Have had reports of friends suffering various "bugs" so a lot of things going around.
  • Didn't mean to miss you out, Rita - glad you enjoyed your day, too. See that there are germs around there, too. We are off to visit my OH's sis this morning, as she has been too busy to come over to us for her present. Then we must dash back again & prepare for visitors, including my Friend and her OH who are coming for drinks.
  • Good afternoon all from the posts everyone seems to have a pleasant Christmas which I had with SiL and her sister and the C/dinner turned out well but it has left me with quite a lot of leftovers which Diesel would really like to take care off but I will have to think of something to do with them.

    The weather here this morning turned out to be cold and foggy with ice on all the puddles and up till now it has been overcast after yesterdays sunny day when we had a such a pleasant walk. I don't think Diesel is talking to me today as he usually comes and sits beside me when I am on the computer but today he has not moved from his bed facing away from me.

    Hope everyone enjoys the rest of the holiday.

    george g

  • Sounds like Diesel is overcome with all the festivities, George!! Glad you had a pleasant Christmas and that your dinner was a success. Its rather damp again here, today as well. We visited sis-in-law, who has suffered with a cold & a cough for a fortnight but is feeling a lot better now. Then we rushed home & put out the nibbles so that we could share the gossip of the season with our friends. They had photos of the puppies they are choosing a bitch from: they are going to see them next week to pick one out. My Friends OH knew nothing about it, but seems very happy at the prospect of another furry friend to share their lives.
  • ********  HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MARGO  ********  

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Church was packed with all ages Christmas morning, for a really good service.  We three came home for a leisurely coffee and present opening. Had dinner ready exactly at 2pm, as intended, and all enjoyed it.  Phone calls to various family members in the afternoon, watched some pre-recorded TV and had a very pleasant tea (OH had made a trifle for himself and J, so he was very happy).  A bit more TV, and not late to bed.

    Not done much today either - but tomorrow will need to think seriously about laundry ready for going away.  We are travelling north on Tuesday(weather permitting) to be there for Hogmanay and Daughter's birthday on Wednesday.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!


                          *****  HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MARGO!!  *****


    (with thanks to OG, for reminding us!)