DECEMBER  is a month of hope! 

                    Cold yes, dark yes,  but the gloomy grey days of November have generally given way to sunnier, brighter days.  At least, so it generally is here in southern Ohio, and I hope for you too.   Then the winter solstice marks the  shortest & darkest day of the year, but we know that immediately after that each day gets that wee bit longer and therefore lighter. Not just hope, but proof that spring is on its way. And all month we look forward to Christmas, the happiest, most hopeful day of the year.   December is the month of planning, of preparation, shopping, wrapping, baking and FUN (if we just don’t let ourselves get overwhelmed). 

                    All the while we know that Breagha and Millicent are warm in Africa. We pray for their continued safety, as well as that of other osprey that we follow.  But not all the birds desert us for the warm southern climes.  Some are well adapted to our northern winters  and are still here, providing enjoyment and often appreciating our bird feeders.

                    Here on the Gabfest, a music night “around the world” has been suggested.  We hope to hold this in early December. Also, I’m sure that later in December I, and probably others, will want to play some Christmas carols.  Whether this will be an organized Music Night or just spontaneous music remains to be seen.  Also a few of us are planning Christmas cakes.  A Christmas music night may be organized around these presentations.

                So once again, I issue an invitation to all osprey lovers to come on in to the Gabfest chat room, where we can enjoy the warm fires and chat about all things osprey as well as most anything else that crosses our minds.

  • Hello June,

    for the Music Night I might prefer "Around the world". The days on that I would be able to take part I've given in my last post.

    For the Bake-off, we've made a traditional German Christmas Cake from Dresden. But we are going to eat it soon. We've made it in November, and now it is wrapped in aluminum foil. If we try it today, I'll make sure to take pictures,  so I can post them if the are needed, I promise! We always make our cake early, so we can eat it before Christmas, in fact: throught the whole december. In my opinion it adds much to the "Christmas-Feeling".

    See you soon,


  • I had proposed a Music Night - Around The World where we can post our favourite songs associated with different countries around the globe.

    Whether this be in December or January that is up to our watchers and posters to decide.

    Click on the World Map for a wee sample (You can click on any country) - It is a SMALL WORLD and am sure all our posters can manage a few songs from AROUND THE WORLD whether the countries are directly named or associated with the countries of choice. 

    Likewise I am easy with a Christmas Music night in the days up to Christmas - I will post my musical stamps - again a wee sample from the first Christmas Stamps to send cards through our letter boxes at Christmastime in 1966 it cost 3d to send not sure maybe a parcel for 1/6d.

    Click on the Stamp for a wee sample of Christmas Music - These were designed in a Blue Peter competition in 1966 for the very first Christmas Stamps - I submitted a design not sure where my design came but we all got Blue Peter Badges.

    JUNE - Not available 7 Dec (Travelling to Dublin) - Not Available 13 Dec (Christmas Dance) and also have to arrange my own home party. A friday may be a consideration in the future where some may not have to go to work next day (Only a thought).


  • Bente W - looking forward to some music from Germany and other countries of your choice - There are some great world songs originated in Germany and I have one already in mind on my world listing.

  • Good morning/afternoon GABBERS all. I see a great many items here that need a response.  Where to start??

    I think with Keith's remark "Whether this be in December or January that is up to our watchers and posters to decide."

    Yes, indeed.!!  These events are for the enjoyment of all Gabbers.  I am here simply to find out what you want and to try to organize your wants nd time needs  to best advantage for all.

  • Strange, I don't feel like writing this morning.  I would like to just come on, mark a few "likes" and be entertained. But if we all did that, there wouldn't be anything to "like", would there?

    SO -- about squirrel nests, or DREYS.  A new word to me. Altogether an interesting article. Thanks, Keith.

    The behavior described for UK most likely applies to my back yard as well. Certainly they do not migrate or hibernate for the entire winter.  Wish they did!!  

    It seems rather peculiar to me, but in all the years I have lived here, I have never seen anything that looked like a BABY squirrel. Occasionally when autumn leaves have fallen, we could see a clump of leaves that might have been a squirrel's nest, but all the squirrels always seemed to be the same size.

    Baby rabbits, yes.  The wee bunnies are so very cute, sweet, beautiful and adorable!!  I've seen a number of rabbit nests over the years.  One I remember finding  dug in the midst of a flower bed.  Built of small twigs and soft foliage and lined with rabbit fur, it looked comfy cozy for the new bunnies nestled there.  Not too much damage was done to the flowers and watching the bunnies for a couple of days was well worth it.  They grow quickly and are not in the nest very long.

  •  More ducks/geese than usual on the pond at Ithica, NY today.

  • Unknown said:
    I think with Keith's remark "Whether this be in December or January that is up to our watchers and posters to decide."

    After that I am off to Bioko Island for two months on a project.


    Which is why I would like to get everything in during December that we can.  In the past we have had two events in December.  Is that too much for our otherwise busy December schedules.??

    Again, it is what YOU all want.  Should I start trying to organize "World" next week and "White Christmas/Cake presentation" closer to Christmas or is that too much.  What do you think?


    I think we will definitely have a White Christmas/cake presentation music nite in before Christmas.  The question is - do we have "Around the World Music Night" in early December or in January?

  •  Keith, I think you have been to Bioko Island before in the not too distant past.

    The northern red circle is where our osprey hang out.  The southern circle is Bioko island.   Click and scroll on the picture to get a readable view,