WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 2014

Dang!  Started a thread but it never loaded and now it's eaten my entire post!  Grrrrr.  What's worse, I typed it in Word, copied and pasted it, and now can't get it to paste. 

Hope we don't get two new threads.

Anyway, have a nice Sunday everyone. Will catch up (again!) tomorrow.

  • Annette - Sorry about daughters car - hope it can get sorted easily. Saw a TV programme about the building of the Hoover Dam a long time ago, and the problems were touched upon. Suppose you can't make an omelette without breaking eggs!
  • Linda, Pleased that you are happy with your Christmas lights. We never put any decorations up yet. We have finished writing our cards and will post them next week. 

    Annette, What an advantage to have a mechanicly able fellow in the family. Sorry that your daughter had the car problem, though. I have visions of 'Super Gran' coming to the rescue :-))
    Good Luck with the dust bunnies.

    Rita, I do hope you get your unusual Christmas lights working. The LED's are much brighter but I really do like some of the older designs, and with your gift for design and colour, I am sure they will be worth the effort :-))

    It is already frosty here ( -1.5c) but forecast to warm up a little, as the the rain moves in tomorrow morning. 

  • Brenda - I got some of our indoor decorations out from the cupboard in order to get at the outdoor lights, but they re the only thing up for now - we decorate the house much later. We were inspired this year by finding that two houses in the next road had put lights up outside on the last day of November!!!
  • We used to have two relatives whose cards arrived on the mat every year on the 2nd December, but sadly we lost my cousin this year, and notsure why the other relative is slow this time! Happily another cousin of mine has had the presence of mind to send his cards early, as he is moving on the 17th! Good grief, I hope they've booked their Christmas dinner out somewhere LOL!! Anyway, he has included their new address for future reference: I shall post to the old address tomorrow, and catch them before they jump on the van!
  • Must get off to bed, my OH has just gone up the stairs. Tomorrow I'll try & find the time to come on and tell The Tale of the Noisy Parcel....... guaranteed to give you a chuckle!!