Dang! Started a thread but it never loaded and now it's eaten my entire post! Grrrrr. What's worse, I typed it in Word, copied and pasted it, and now can't get it to paste.
Hope we don't get two new threads.
Anyway, have a nice Sunday everyone. Will catch up (again!) tomorrow.
Linda, Pleased that you are happy with your Christmas lights. We never put any decorations up yet. We have finished writing our cards and will post them next week.
Annette, What an advantage to have a mechanicly able fellow in the family. Sorry that your daughter had the car problem, though. I have visions of 'Super Gran' coming to the rescue :-))Good Luck with the dust bunnies.
Rita, I do hope you get your unusual Christmas lights working. The LED's are much brighter but I really do like some of the older designs, and with your gift for design and colour, I am sure they will be worth the effort :-))
It is already frosty here ( -1.5c) but forecast to warm up a little, as the the rain moves in tomorrow morning.
New thread here (I hope). www.rspb.org.uk/.../114376.aspx