WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 2014

Hallo all.

  • Afternoon all a dull miserable day here with rain on and off. I have now got all my chr**** presents in the house as the delivery from all suppliers was first class one even supplying the next day.

    Went this morning and ordered all the food for our Cr*** dinner as it is going to be in my house this year as it is only going to be my SiL and her sister as the rest of my family will be going down to Norwich to my DiL mother and father who live there.

    Diesel goes to the groomers on Monday so his powder puff paws will be reduced to normal and his coat will start to grow back in before it gets too cold. He has a coat but he will not wear it but as he gets older he might give in. He is ten now and he is slowing down.

    Hope everyone keeps well during the festive season which seems to start earlier each year.  

    george g

  • Thanks Linda for telling us about the Monday morning update. ( Should I wish you all a Happy C now. LOL )

  • Margo, Happy Birthday to your OH. Hope you enjoyed lunch.

  • We spent a couple of hours clearing leaves. I have also been looking on the internet for a new dress for Christmas, but I haven't found anything yet. The sun appeared this afternoon but I still needed my gardening jacket.

    Annette, Sounds like you had a very pleasant celebration with your daughter. I was so pleased that your grandson is so happy with his job and within himself. I do hope Lightning is ok. Have there been any visiting cats or dogs in your house recently, or maybe she is just getting so old now.  

    Heather, What a pity your OH's appointment wasn't for the op. I do hope he doesn't have a long wait for the actual procedure.

    Lynette, Hope your parcel has finally arrived. I have taken in two parcels for a neighbour today.

    George, You are so organised :-)) I wish I had bought all my presents. I don't have to worry about the food as we are going to my son and his wife.
    Diesel always sounds very energetic for his age. When he has had his coat trimmed and his 'powder puffs' removed, he will speed up. LOL

  • Horrific scenes of destruction in Brisbane after the storm of 90mph winds, golf ball, sized hailstones and a months rain in 30mins. A miracle that nobody was killed.

  • BRENDA I heard some reports last night on BBC World Radio. Just dreadful.

  • Sounds really awful in Australia. Do hope that it remains free of fatalities. I've been experimenting with pastry shapes, and made some savoury and also some sweet (Christmassy mincemeat) star shaped treats. Its been fun and of course, we had to eat them, too!! When I say star shaped, I really mean shaped like a child's windmill - I bought a cutter from Lakeland who are great for baking supplies and ideas. I may take some with us on Sunday, or if not, make some treats for Christmas.
  • A footnote on those parcels.   They all arrived this afternoon , thank goodness. So just have to order the rest of the presis next week from different online shops.

    Heard about the storms in Brisbane, do hope AQ you are free from them or if they hit are safe.

    Sad too, about the Australian batsman who has died after getting hit on the head even though he had a helmet on, slipped under it and hit his neck apparently.

    Made the pastry for mince pies (mincemeat laced with brandy) which I am going to make tomorrow.  Son coming over for lunch and then OH and him are going to watch the rugby international so some of them will probably get eaten!!!!!

  • It was horrible to see on the news pics of Brisbane houses without roofs. We in Adelaide are a long way from Brisbane, about 1000 miles by air, nearer 1300 by road & it would take you 23 hours to drive. Yesterday we had a pleasant spring day, 25 C by the beach but 31 in the city. What a difference 6 miles makes!

    The first episode of “Death Comes to Pemberley” was scheduled last night. I was surprised to see a memoriam to P D James at the beginning. Of course she didn’t rate on our TV news & I only read about it this morn.

  • Evening all: Domestic day today a few errands and just finished a small pile of ironing. OH and I have sorted through closets and I'm going to deliver some "nice" old clothes to a local charity in the next few days.  

    AQ: I saw the news about Brisbane on the internet; our TV news is full of police shootings and Black Friday sales. It has to be a slow news day for them to look that far afield.   I liked "Death Comes to Pemberley" - all the characters were far more natural than those in other period dramas.  Hair somewhat messy, clothes sort of crumpled. I'd forgotten that P.D.James had written it.

    Brenda: This whole Black Friday thing is completely ridiculous - some stores opened Thanksgiving Day evening. I signed a petition aimed at getting stores to put their employees personal lives ahead of profits, but of course, it was a futile gesture.  Lightning was okay today, but yes, there is a cat who's shown up in our garden and has been spotted lolling in Lightning's favorite places. I told OH that we need to get a water pistol to keep on hand to discourage the visitor.

    Heather: Hope your OH doesn't have to wait too long for the cataract surgery.

    Lindybird: Thanks for the heads up on the Monday site maintenance.

    Good to hear that everyone seems on track with various deliveries