WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 2014

Hallo all.

  • Happy Thanksgiving to our American friends.

  • How lovely, Linda. A celebration for Tomasz with all the family. I do find it hard to believe that he will be four, already. 

  • Yes, its shocking Brenda, how quickly the time has gone. Now that we have the new little ones he seems to be a "big boy" all at once. Of course, as we don't see him every week he has always grown about six inches when we see him again. They are researching the local schools to put his name down for next Autumn.
  • Hello All - I also send HAPPY THANKSGIVING DAY wishes to all our friends in the US. As someone has already said I don't know how you manage two big events so quickly, Christmas seems to be enough to organise!   I have not been on here for a few days, seem to have been online most of the time ordering things and they are starting to arrive now,thank goodness. My Christmas cards came this morning so can start writing them this evening. My bird food arrived too today from the RSPB ( I buy enough to last the winter)which I am happy about as they are very hungry at the moment,the weather has been very cold,and they are getting through a lot of food. The Starlings are back again now in force!   I have had a lot of trouble with passwords online lately, I did have a list but lost it! they are all very alike and I keep getting them wrong so have to set new ones, this time I am making a list and filing it somewhere safe.

    I have the A.G.M. of my Cactus Club on Saturday so am busy typing out the minutes of last years A.G.M, I always seem to leave it until the last moment! We are also having a Mesembs. Table Show so I am busy getting plants ready.

    Have been keeping up with all the news but think it is too late to answer everything.  Must say to AQ that I loved the Christening photos of those lovely babies, and enjoyed all those holiday pics so much, I look forward to your next holiday!!

    Margo - How efficient to get all that shopping done in one day. I hope you enjoy your meals out this week-end.

    Heather - Not grumpy at all!  Hope your OH's cataract app. is successful.

    Brenda - I agree, it is so sad about the Australian cricketer, a very unfortunate happening.

    Lindybird - I do hope you will have a lovely time with the family at Tomasz's birthday party, he certainly will be the big boy now!

    Annette - Glad you were able to get present for MissD, it sounds just the sort of thing my grandaughters would love, they are pony mad.  I have bought some chocolate ponies for their stockings!

    Lynette - Glad you enjoyed your day at the Harry Potter experience, I would really like to visit it sometime.

    That is all for now, enjoy the rest of the day.

  • Morning all: A quick look in before I gird my loins for the brunch buffet. Too warm here for the end of November though.

    BRENDA: I read about that young Australian cricketer - what a ghastly freak accident - devastating for his family and team mates I imagine.

    RITA: Good to see you. Have fun at the Cactus show.

    Hi to everyone else and thanks again for your greetings.  :-)

  • Hello RITA - Good luck with the minutes! Thankfully I am past all that but my main fear was when the Chairman of Whatever (!) asked for the Minutes to be proposed and seconded prior to adoption. I was always waiting for someone to say that I had not recorded things correctly (in their opinion)

    Sheana was in great form yesterday. The only complaint was missing knickers (again). I found a few pairs which she had hidden and reminded her that I have new ones here at home for just such an emergency!

    Nothing else to report from here. OH and I must be at the hospital at 0845 tomorrow for his cataract surgery. I suspect we will have a restless night (not unusual for me but he usually sleeps well). He doesn't talk about any anxieties, it would be better if he would.

  • If I keep waiting for time to make lots of replies, I shall never get around to posting, so I shan't try to cover everything, but thought I should put in an appearance.  All well here, and not so much happening as the previous two weeks, just lots of small stuff, phone calls for appointments, ordering things, cooking stuff etc etc - so mostly pootling about at home.  All went to the church AGM last evening.  J had an "Inset" day at work today, and they have tomorrow off for St Andrew's day (which falls on Sunday this year).  We are having a day out together including meals - lunch near Penrith and dinner in Carlisle.

    Welcome back to the holidaymakers, belated Thanksgiving wishes for those over the Pond, thoughts and prayers for anyone not feeling too well and for Heather's OH tomorrow.  Enjoyed posts and photos.  Will try harder to keep my head in order and post regularly!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • OG - I know what you mean, I keep meaning to come on & do a long post with lots of replies, but Life just gets in the way!! I can tell everyone though, that I have read back & digested most of the posts from the last ten days, and am trying to keep up! Hope you enjoy St Andrews Day up there, OG :-)
  • Heather - Good Luck to you and your OH for tomorrow - I can remind you that my OH had both of his eyes treated for cataracts and after being quite apprehensive initially, for the first one, when it came to having the second one done, he waltzed into the hospital without a qualm. It has been a huge success and he's so glad he's had it done. I shall be thinking of you tomorrow.
  • We've been to visit my sis-in-law who has been to Tenerife whilst we were on a neighbouring island. They had much better weather than we did, although they did have some night time storms. She is now home again & catching up on things, though she doesn't have a dog at the moment. (She cares for dogs whilst their owners go away). News of the lovely Nessie, the guide dog trainee: she finally passed her doggy exams and is now settled in a household where the blind gentleman is enjoying more independence thanks to his new friend, even though he has a wife because of course she has a busy life and now can relax knowing that Nessie is always on hand to help him. Happy Ending!!