Good Morning Everyone. Rather a cool and cloudy this morning, but at least it is not raining. Everywhere still wet after yesterday's rain.
We met my brother yesterday, as he wanted to talk, away from his home, so I felt quite tired yesterday evening. His wife's health has not improved at all.
I need to catch up with your posts for the last couple of days, but I do notice that Linda doesn't have another grandchild yet.
Heather, I am sorry Sheana, has further problems, including misplacing her calendar / diary. I hope all continues well for your son and his wife. They must be excited, after a break of eight years since Sam was born.
Rita, I, also need to 'look up' nectaroscordums' ( I have to keep checking the spelling in your post, LOL ) as I don't recognise the name.
AQ, A really good cup of coffee I can enjoy, but I have had coffee in some places that I have just had to leave. I guess I am becoming more selective as I get older. I never used to drink coffee at all, when I was younger.
Diane, I guess that proves that owls can't smell :-)) If I smell something bad, I think I can smell it for days afterwards, even though other people assure me that it has gone.
Linda, You are not going to change your OH. You can only 'nag' that he doesn't cause himself further problems.
BRENDA- I am sorry that your sister in law is still unwell and the anxiety radiates to the nearest and dearest in this case your brother. Often, while desperate to help,partners children etc often get caught up in the 'circle of anxiety' themselves. I agree with LINDA, emotional stress is exhausting. Is there any professional help that your SiL will accept?
LINDY - You are married to my husband, I think he must have two wives!! His determination will stand him in good stead, though.