Weekly Chat (non-osprey) Sunday, October 5, 2014

Happy new week

  • Man has been. He just cleaned the one overflowing gutter and as none of the others are giving trouble yet, he said he will be back when the leaves finish falling or if we need him again. He didn't charge anything, so I can't complain and he really was so cold.

  • Linda - not a good experience for you when you stayed in the Lion, but pleased you found the area still worth returning to. Enjoy your dinner – we had vege risotto this evening; another way to use some runner beans and tomatoes!

    Brenda – glad the man came – and what a sensible approach, to clear the one and continue when necessary. We are still waiting for the chair!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Just had a quick scan throught the posts I have missed.

    What a journey into town for work yesterday after the non stop rain on Tues. We headed off at 0900 for coffee in Tiso and hadn't gone far before we were stopped by flooding, we then headed back to get onto the main road another way and were stopped by more floods. The only alternative was to join a crawling queue of traffic. It was one hour and 20 mins after leaving home that I arrived in work (20 mins late) and no coffee. Thankfully everything was back to normal by the time we got home. Just signs of all the mud deposits on the pavement.

    Our final customer turned out to be an ex RAF SAR pilot who was at Lossie with OH in 83/84.  We were able to put him in contact  with an old fishing buddy of his who he hasn't seen for almost 30 years. It really is a small world!!!!

  • Dibnlib - hadn't realised you were working on your birthday, and what a journey to get there!  I had read that both the B road and the A96 were flooded, so I wondered if you might be stranded at home!  Strange how you still keep meeting RAF colleagues!

    Well, chair arrived at 19:50 this evening - and seems satisfactory!  Last saw it early July, and fault was reported back in February!  OH can now sit in comfort and drink his coffee!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Dibnlib, Not a nice start for your birthday. I guess you will be celebrating on another day.

    OG, At last. Pleased to hear that your OH is now sitting comfortably. Just the bed repair now.

    Just had some thunder / lightning. 

  • Good news about the chair, OG. Brenda, glad your son & family have finally moved house. As I understand it, moving house is way up the top of the "stressful" list, just under Death and Divorce... I certainly found it very stressful when we moved here 11 years ago, as the renovations were unfinished, so I had no kitchen at all, just a shell, and we also spent the first two years going through the house & redecorating all the rooms. I have never felt so overcome. I was glad to leave the previous house as we had been there long enough, 28 years, but we wanted something different. Mind you, at the same time we had both of our mothers in care at the time and were visiting them alternately, which was mentally exhausting. Oh dear!! It sounds grim written down!!
  • Enjoyed tonights TV and am eating a small square of chocolate whilst my OH has gone out!! Have felt out of sorts, so had to give up on being strict with myself over dieting today. Did not eat much yesterday, apart from our lunchtime treat, but will have to get back on track next week as need to lose some of what I put on over the summer this year. Off to bed now, don't fancy watching Q. Time as its not as good as it used to be.
  • Linda – that does sound like a very stressful moving process last time round! And the bit about visiting the olds reminds me of when I had my parents in two different homes, due to different care needs – and me with no car visiting both! Sorry you are feeling out of sorts – do hope it is nothing nasty coming on.

    Definitely not going out today – just sending OH to Morrison’s and the farm shop delicacies can wait! Also not going to a craft event tomorrow, taking life easy for a few more days.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Good Morning. Just watched the weather forecast, where it said we would have a quiet morning, before the rain starts later. It has been pouring down !!

    Linda /OG, We have moved 6 times since we have been married. We did buy one house, which we gutted, decorating, new kitchen, bathroom etc and then were advised to leave the area, after only two years, because our baby son was having continuous asthma attacks. That was the best advice we could have been given.  My mother lived with us for around 10 years before she died, so we didn't have the trauma of nursing homes. My father died when he was only 49.

    Sorry you are not feeling good, Linda. You have had a lot of stress recently, plus the bug you had.

    OG, You obviously need to take things easy and get back to 'normal'.  

  • Good morning all and it always makes me happy when I can post some good news. Had a blood test yesterday (pre chemo) and the consultant trang later afternoon to give me the results. Again blood and other levels show another increase so the chemo is really doing its job. Calcium level is still up and will probably need to have some treatment but that is just a minor issue. As I feel a lot better than I did will be having chemo from Monday next week for 5 days. We both feel very positive at the moment and although I will not be cured I feel as though time has already been added to my life expectancy, which was not that good a few months ago. Chemo will continue as long as I need it, there will be no break this time but I am happy with that.

    Feeling so positive that OH has managed to get tickets to see a big favourite of mine being Briyan Ferry next June. He is coming to our local theatre in Poole. Have seen him live twice and never thought he would tour locally again. It is a much smaller venue so we assume he now prefers something smaller. God willing I will get there and so looking forward to it. His shows are just awesome.

    Autumn has certainly come crashing in here. most it the week we have had very heavy showers and yesterday we had storms which I did not enjoy. Pulled plug out of TV and Broadband router after the episode earlier when the router suffered a power surge. High winds and incredibly heavy rain showers all day. Poor Billie every time we went out it would start again and I have never seen her move so fast. Went out for a little while this morning and started again and she must have though "here we go again" and bolted back indoors again. She has changed seating arrangements again and is choosing to sit with me which I love even if she does spread herself out. Going to get a hair cut tomorrow and on the way back going to a pet shop to see if we can get her a bed she may like. She has one bit it is like an igloo but has never taken to it. Perhaps one where she does not feel too enclosed will suit.

    Lindybird sorry to read that you are not feeling that good. Perhaps as Brenda has said the stressful time you are having is not helping. Love the sound of the pink shopping for Amber, they do such lovely clothes for little girls now. Flower pics  lovely especially the boat. I hope that alterations next door will not be too noisy and most importantly you do not lose your privacy. 2 years must have seemed like forever at times when you first moved.

    AQ enjoying your event trip with photos. Especially like the stained glass windows. Sad to see the places that have become derelict.

    OG seems you are having a bit trouble recovering so I am pleased to read in your later post that you are going to take it easy. Hope J will also have time to recover properly. Your meal out sounded very nice. Good that your other half is sleeping OK, hopefully it will not take so long as his chair did to get fixed.

    rita that is such a long time to wait for appointments. Makes me realise how lucky we are in this area. All my appointments have been made so,quickly and I could not be more pleased with the treatment I am having and the easy access to speak to my consultant and the cancer clinic whe ever I need.

    Brenda pleased to see you have now stocked up the fridge and freezer and also had a nice lunch out. Used to  love lamb but chemo changed the tast of red meats and I usually stick chicken, Turkey and now and again pork. So many things that I can no longer enjoy. I can eat cheddar cheese again but things like Stilton, Gorgonzola and Brie are just a memory now.

    Lynette nice pics from Bude and Hartland somewhere we often visited when we holidayed in Cornwall.

    Heather must have been sad to see S in a confused state. You must have been horrified thinking about the food wasted. As you say fridges were a bit of a luxury when we were growing up but tummy upsets were quite rare. I can remember milk being stood in a bucket of cold water when it was hot. 

    Have a good weekend all and take care.