Technical Test Thread 2014/15/16/17/18/19/20

This is a carryon on from the original  Technical Test Thread

I could only link  to the top of that thread as any attempt to link to the bottom results in the dreaded white screen. 

So this is the thread for discussing technical problems. 

  • To follow up Mary's post I have now spoken to BNN.
    Just prior to the arrival of Mary's message this morning I had constructed an Email to the Chair of Council detailing the difficulties with the site, the plight of BNN and the lack of communication from all involved. In fact I had just pressed 'send' when Mary's email arrived!
    I now await with interest a response from Council. I have given them my 'phone number so if there is any further clarification they want I will be happy to oblige.
  • Thank you, MARY, it is such a relief to know that BIRDIE is OK in herself, at least.

    And MIKE - you'll have plenty of us not holding our breath, keeping you company ;)  Here's hoping that's misplaced pessimism.

  • Here's a tester for someone.

    In the top right hand corner of the forum header the lightning flash symbol, which shows notifications, says i have 6 unread notifications, but when I click on it a dialogue box says i have no unread notifications.

    Anyone else have, or heard of, this problem. and any ideas how to get rid of the apparently false notification message.

    Richard B

  • Unknown said:
    Here's a tester for someone.

    In the top right hand corner of the forum header the lightning flash symbol, which shows notifications, says i have 6 unread notifications, but when I click on it a dialogue box says i have no unread notifications.

    Anyone else have, or heard of, this problem. and any ideas how to get rid of the apparently false notification message.

    Richard, since the last upgrade I have apparently permanently had two unread notifications, which I haven't. Sometimes it jumps to three then back to two for no reason. Yesterday it jumped from two to four then back to three. Today it started at three but since this morning has been showing four. When I "view all" notifications and apply the "not read" filter it correctly shows no unread messages. In short therefore I have the same problem as you and this has been the case for more than a year. Ian

  • Me too! Currently at 4 unread. It goes up and down a bit but never to zero!
  • LOL and I have 91 unread, but it seems the unreads are very kind 'likes'. It would be more helpful if it were new posts or new comments on posts.

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018

  • Don't think I have ever clicked on that before, quite funny really when you see what it says....

    I have never even looked at those notifications before.    Even although I have looked now it is still showing 99+  might as well go back to ignoring them. Smiley

  • Mary/Sheila, you can quickly hit the "tick" and that removes them without you having to read them (not that I have ever done that to any of your posts Slight smile). Or you can switch notifications off altogether within your settings. Ian

  • Well I am glad that it is not only me that has this problem!, I have 5 unread. At least I am not like poor Mary and sitting with 99!!

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.