Technical Test Thread 2014/15/16/17/18/19/20

This is a carryon on from the original  Technical Test Thread

I could only link  to the top of that thread as any attempt to link to the bottom results in the dreaded white screen. 

So this is the thread for discussing technical problems. 

  • Thank you for filling me in on the situation re BNN ... incredible happening & for there to be no explanation or action to resolve this very tragic event beggars belief ... come on RSPB, please resolve this matter for all our sakes, the loss of such an important part of our community in BNN is so sad!!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • I would have thought that in these very difficult times for Charities that they would at least have the common courtesy to reply to Mike's requests for information on why all BNN's post's have disappeared and why she has been completely wiped from the system for no apparent reason.   

    Surely they will have backups of their systems to reinstate her and also all of the parts of the forum that have disappeared.     The need for an email address is not necessary (although that could be supplied with Birdie's permission) as when logging into the system you can use your forum name or email address, so the Log In name should be sufficient information to trace her. 

    When the forum was on its Go-Slow a few months back, I sent an email to the RSPB which was never acknowledged, to me this is not a good policy to treat long standing members (34 years) with such disdain, as when Charities are in dire need of funding you simply do not bite the hand that feeds you.     I find the whole situation terribly sad! 

  • A number of posters have suspected for a while that the forum is not viewed as important by RSPB anymore, this is maybe just another sad example. Ian
  • Mary, your experience simply echoes mine over many years.

    You like to get to the fine detail so perhaps you might like to read this document which seems to me to amount to a licence to do just as they please.

  • Just like to add how much I miss Birdie and my heart truly goes out to her for she must be totally devastated, as we all are, at all her work being wiped out and that no one at the RSPB seems to care!

    It is actually quite frightening knowing this can happen - all the hours of dedicated work and it is not just the work but the thought of losing the lives of our birds. I cannot begin to express the sorrow I feel for Birdie and also the fear that this could happen to others. Fingers crossed it does not and that something can be done to restore Birdie's posts and she is able/wants to come back.

  • And a techie question for Scylla and/or, Mary GK ..

    How do you get the date and time to show on your captures/videos.

    I am using free version of Bandicam.

    Thanks in advance :-)

  • I use paid-for Bandicam - years ago I asked them to incorporate timeline but nothing so far :(  

    I use free software called DS Clock on Bandicam.

    Debut Video Capture has built-in timeline but their so-called free version is not fit for purpose.

  • Well said, Karen. I was thinking along very similar lines, especially in relation to all your dedicated coverage of the Manton Bay nest, as well as everyone else who posts regularly about the webcams. Looks like anyone could be wiped out without warning! What a crazy situation.
  • Thanks Scylla - I'll have a look at these options.
  • I heard from Birdie last night, she wanted me to pass on her love and that she was very touched by all your comments and thoughts on her situation. 

    She has given me her contact details to pass on to Mike, so they can have a conversation and hopefully get something resolved, however I am not all that hopeful if the responses from the RSPB up to now are anything to go by. 

    She said - Quote

    All the Google documents that I made in the past are still available but I haven't updated them recently. I am happy to share the links with everyone in case they have lost them. Some links in the documents will not work because they are threads that I started.
    Here they are if anyone asks:

    I have to say I use the Threads Archive religiously and it was how I found out that there was a big chunk of a particular thread that I was looking for that had gone missing also. 

    Lets hope something can finally be done to get Birdie back, because I think we all agree that she is a BIG MISS on this forum.