Technical Test Thread 2014/15/16/17/18/19/20

This is a carryon on from the original  Technical Test Thread

I could only link  to the top of that thread as any attempt to link to the bottom results in the dreaded white screen. 

So this is the thread for discussing technical problems. 

  • Sorted thanks Those little arrowy things appeared even tho'they didn't earlier and I was able to drag it down but how oddthatit did that in the first place
  • Sorted thanks Those little arrowy things appeared even tho'they didn't earlier and I was able to drag it down but how oddthatit did that in the first place
  • Sorted thanks Those little arrowy things appeared even tho'they didn't earlier and I was able to drag it down but how oddthatit did that in the first place
  • Scylla, Birdie or anyone familiar with Bandicam - I would appreciate some help !!! LOL

    I have uploaded a recording of 33 delivering that huge fish but I was listening to the press conference and as well as the fish delivery it has recorded them speaking.

    Is there a way for me to mute this?

    Thanks in advance

  • Karen W said:
    Scylla, Birdie or anyone familiar with Bandicam - I would appreciate some help

    Sorry I hadn't noticed this thread had activity, Karen.  Just as well BIRDIE is on the ball and so helpful :)

  • Thanks very much Birdie - I'll try that out soon and hopefully upload a new "muted" video.

    Also thanks Scylla for acknowledgement :-)
  • Is it something I'm doing wrong?

    When I take a screen shot and look at it on my laptop the picture is great quality.

    However when I upload it using rich formatting the image that appears on the post is out of focus and a bit blurry.

    However if you click on the image it appears full screen and is a perfect clear sharp image.

    I notice other people all seem able to upload a sharp clear image.

    I never used to have this problem before the upgrade. Any ideas for me to try so that I can upload a clearer sharper image?

    Richard B

  • Richard, I've only just seen your post while I was looking for this thread for another purpose.

    I can't solve your problem but... I resize all my pics before uploading, as the system puts a limit on them. It wastes a lot of time :(

    My default "picture handler" is IrfanView (freebie) and it does make it easy to resize, once you learn to focus only on the elements of the program that you need, so you don't get confused by all the mysterious things it can do (in common with many picture and video editors).

    If you want a pic to come out big and clear, 700px wide is a good size. I use that for uncropped snaps, ie, the full cam view. If I have cropped out part of the pic, I'll make it smaller, depending ;)

    Also, I usually "drag & drop" snaps from the Windows Explorer folder into the Rich Formatting box.

  • GMF/Geemeff Grin

    When you post a video, use the Insert box in Rich Formatting:



    I do that "click" bit because I imagine that it fixes the size as unaffected by the 320x240 that I've just removed, so the video shows up as a viewable size instead of ludicrously tiny.

    Please let me know if that's not good enough.