WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2014

Happy New Week.

Clare: Got the date right this time !

  • You paint a worrying picture, Wendy.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • I know there are 2 sides to every argument and I am incomer of 13 years but our contribution to a country we chose to live in has been good for the economy as I have private pensions and OH works for a company down in Hampshire so not even taken a job from someone else. It would break my heart to move but as there is nothing in place for " afterwards" it is worrying. Mind you AS is off to the golf afterwards!!!

  • Alan, I don't want to be difficult but who or what are the 'true Scots'?

  • Who are the true Scots?  There are now many different people living in Scotland, from a number of different countries.  This referendum will affect them all, whether they were born in Scotland or not.  And yes, a few of them are related to David Cameron.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Alan this is my last post on this subject... You read too much but sadly don't witness the day to day reality .......

  • Clare you have summed it up in a nutshell... Many thanks...

    Back seat drivers are always the worst...sorry for extra last post!!

  • I only ask the question because my family are Highlanders from Ardnamurchan area generations back. My dad fought in World War 1 in a Scottish Regiment and I never ever heard one anti English sentiment as I was growing up. It was only when I came to live in Inverness 35 years ago that I came face to face with anti English feelings. I had grown up in England so had an English accent. You really wouldn't want me to repeat some of the things said to me. Horrible bigotry and that is all that I am going to say on the subject.

  • I am English Clare and I hope that life for me will still be the same if there is a 'yes' vote.  I have lived here for 44 years and in all that time I have only had one or two anti-english remarks made to me and one was from someone who had never been south of Inverness in his life! so I did not let that upset me!

    my children all went to Primary school, Secondary school and University in Scotland and had an excellent education. Scotland is a  marvellous and very beautiful country and I have been very happy here.   However, I am English and still feel English. My roots are in England and I care very much for both England and Scotland.  So this vote is the most important one of my life and I take it very seriously.

  • Clare Bailey said:

    We had heard some of the campaigners are being less than nice when it comes to promoting their opinions......I do wonder what it will be like for anyone English living in Scotland if the 'Yes' side win?
