How can it be September; it was only just July......
My Mums 80th birthday today.She will not remember, but I will ring her and wish her "happy birthday" anyway. Yesterday I spoke to my Godmother who had driven the hours journey there and back to visit Mum. They are the same age, but oh so different physically and mentally. Mum and Aunt Jean did their physio training together and when they qualified they decided to come to Scotland (from The Wirral) for a year!!!! This was 60 years ago and neither of them returned to live south of the border.
The morning is brightening and we are off to Cromarty shortly. We have booked for Sutors at 1330. After lunch we will go to Chanonry and enjoy another walk on the beach.
Looking back I see I spelt "site" "sight" What a numpty!!!!
ALAN lets hope the pied wagtail poops all over whoever wanted it shot!!!
dibnlib: Happy Birthday to your Mum and congrats on her reaching 80 years. Its a shame, but you can at least be thinking of her at lunch today, and during your walk along the beach. That is a lovely tale about her and Auntie Jean!
The Men Next Door have been making a heck of a lot of noise and fuss this week: they came today with a huge machine and poured cement into the new footings for the extension next to our house. Later, they are going to make even more noise and build an even bigger extension at the far side of the house, but thank goodness, that will be further away from us!! Their vehicles come and go all day and are blocking up the road some of the time, but then there was a similar mess when we had our extension built some years ago so we can't very well complain! (its just a small road and usually very quiet).
We are off tomorrow to visit Tomasz and his attendants, namely our Youngest and Wife. He has been trying to ride his little bicycle around the garden but still puts his feet down on the ground, as he finds it hard to pedal - I told our Youngest that he had bought him a bike too soon !!
Here is something to brighten your day:
(taken on one of our visits to Wales)
Unknown said: It just gets worse for TESCO as they apply to shoot a pied wagtail in one of their stores and what is even more worrying is that Natural England give them a license to do it. What is the matter with these people?. Fortunately due to public outcry they are not going to do it now and BTO are on the case.
It just gets worse for TESCO as they apply to shoot a pied wagtail in one of their stores and what is even more worrying is that Natural England give them a license to do it. What is the matter with these people?. Fortunately due to public outcry they are not going to do it now and BTO are on the case.
Our herring gulls are red listed birds. Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.
Bowie taken today after a haircut yesterday:
Hello Everyone, Still rather busy with the HW and speaking to local fence man about having trellis fitted on top of fence and changing the side gate, which leads to the back garden. We are going to a birthday party this evening, for two members of the bowling party. Their wives have arranged a combined party for them.
I wanted to let you know that I have spoken to Margo. I had forgotten that it was her chemo. week, so she is not feeling great but not as bad as previous occasions.
I hope that OG's doctor was able to help today.
Sorry, must go. I need to wash my hair etc.