We have reached SEPTEMBER, the month which gives us the sad task of adjusting to empty nests. The end of the 2014 Osprey Season is upon us. And already, even as we were celebrating in our hearts the closing of a near perfect season at Loch Garten, we were SHOCKED into awareness of the difficulties facing our juveniles as they start their inevitable migration to warmer climates. Our Seasca already has been lost over the Bay of Biscay, Once again one of our precious chicks is “lost – presumed dead.” Even as we mourn Seasca we hope and pray for a safe journey for Millicent, who has after taking a bit of a back-and-forth stop-over in England, arrived safely in Spain. Also our good wishes are with the baby of the family, Druie. For those who have taken Druie to heart as a favorite, the parting is especially difficult, for she is not sat tagged and so the farewells are now permanent, with only a faint hope that her wee blue ring may one day be spotted and identified.
So what does September and the winter hold for THE GABFEST? As Fish and Keith have so recently pointed out, The Gabfest has changed. We have dropped in numbers and more importantly we have pretty much lost that all-important special GABFEST SPIRIT which embodied fun, cooperation and friendship as we discussed every aspect of the osprey which after all are our reason for being, along with any topic which struck our fancy. Many times during the past year and especially the past months I have thought The Gabfest was doomed to extinction. But we are still here.
Will we make it through the winter or even through September? Will there be enough of us to share a few long winter evenings with some good music? Will anybody be interested in the fun and camaraderie of a few group streetwalks? What about Christmas Cakes? Will we have a Bake-Off this year? If we do, it will be our third. I hope all these questions will be answered with a yes, but only time will tell
I myself plan to follow Millicent’s migration with close-up maps and, so long as it is available, streetwalking. Where there are no blue streets for my little man to settle on, perhaps I can find some photos of local scenes. Also more of Seasca and other Loch Garten birds, as well as tracks of osprey from other nests. But why let me have all the fun? I hope this is something we will all participate in together, whether it be to post maps or streetwalks of your own OR to comment on those posted by myself or others OR to make requests, as Ann already has.
It is going to be a long cold EMPTY winter so lets light the GABFEST FIRES in the fireplace of our Gabfest chat room and all gather in to have a good time. Who knows, we just might rekindle that wonderful old GABFEST SPIRIT of fun, goodwill and gab.
Before I could even raise the question, FISH was asking for a Music Night. Love your enthusiasm, Fish. That truly is a touch of the old Gabfest Spirit.
To have a Music Night, we need at least four people, an established date and a theme. To get this we need yes-and-no communication, give-and-take cooperation and a spirit of fun.
However Fish, two people (for example you and myself) can enjoy a few videos of music any time we want to. :)
Good morning, June and Fish. Shall we get the month off to a cheerful start?
Hope you both enjoy it.
Our herring gulls are red listed birds. Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.
Morning Clare, not a good morning here. RAIN again. Wonder if I am again in August "Gabfest" nost keep up that tradition not getting to were I should be.lololololol "Hi" to June and all Gabbers. See you all later.
June I did ask Keith if he would be so kind and post for me again and he replied if he has the time he will help out, so we should have some fun the 3 of us (You June, Keith and me. xxx
I've been searching old threads for a post I would like to repeat. I'm still looking for the post, but "search" took me to the middle of October, 2012. The dialogue I found there was just hilarious!! Such comedians everyone was then.
Still hope to find and post what I was looking for.
give us a clue and maybe one of us can help you find what you'r looking for.
Hope everyone is tuned to watch Roy Dennis on one show tonight and tomorrow to discuss his translocation programme.
Coupled with all the great osprey news we have had today from various nests its been a good osprey day.
What channel is it on?? Not got Sky at present as had probs with them.
You've got me there, Keith. No way will I be able to pick up Roy's broadcast, much as I would like to. I do hope many Gabbers both regulars and readers will tune in and bring back to the Gabfest something of their impressions.
Now back to the Main Blog. how did I miss those lovely cake and pastries? I think Richard must have sneaked them in after the fact.
The staff at LG is rivaling our own Christmas Bake-off.