WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY, AUGUST 31, 2014

Happy New Week all.

  • Lindybird said:
    Also had to call in to shop to buy a new telephone system as ours has been doing weird things.

    Your telephone has been playing up?  That's another one to chalk up to the dreaded T's, along with the toaster!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Well, I was going to tell you all about the places that we visited in Cornwall. Instead I am going to tell you all that my OH and I (not really me but I hate it when he takes the full blame) are first class idiots. He checked his driving licence today, just on a whim. It is 18 months out of date. The mind boggles. We are going to Banchory in Aberdeenshire tomorrow to attend what will probably be the last reunion of former pupils, Banchory Academy. So, we will be going by train and bus or taxi.As you will imagine, a little atmosphere here. He says that he always relied on reminders from DVLA and hasn't had one. Further complication because of his age so watch this space. Just think, we have been driving around without licence and therefore invalid insurance for all this time.

  • LINDA - sorry I missed you post earlier, and sorry about the phone.  We recently got a full replacement for ours under guarantee!

    HEATHER - maybe the need for his driving licence will force your OH to recognise the need for a cataract op!  I hope he will be able to renew somehow, though, because not driving would restrict him so much.

    Didn't win any prizes at competition night, but the shared supper was good!  Now time for bed.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Very tired again - a full day, today!  Our Eldest rang mid afternoon to say that Mother & Baby had now been allowed home, so they were busy settling in. We are not going to visit yet, to give them time to sort themselves out. My OH has spent half of the day picking yet more produce from the allotment, and cooking & freezing it! Wish I could send you all some of our delicious Victoria plums.....

  • Dull dreary overcast day. I've attacked more "stuff" and this week's recycling bin is full, ready for tomorrow's collection. And there are still more boxes <sigh> I am finding so many interesting things I'd forgotten. When the culling is finished I plan to write up the family history notes in one place, not on a million scraps of paper. After the WA trip of course!

  • Last Sunday’s bus trip. First stop at Balaklava, only the convenience store open on Sun morn & it did a roaring trade in snacks & coffee for our busload of 40! Then on to the former town of Hoyleton – a few empty houses, a derelict Methodist church and this former shop. Note the ubiquitous Stobie pole for electricity wires.

    The war memorial gates to the former oval, now a canola paddock. The original wooden posts were eaten by white ants and have been ingenuously replaced by ex-Stobie poles.

    On the road between Hoyleton & Auburn - Paddock of canola.

    On the road between Hoyleton & Auburn - Peas in the foreground, canola in the distance.

    to be continued

  • Evening all: Another day that flew by; where does it all go?  

    Margobird:  Hope you can arrange more lunches with your sister.  When are you off to your shows?  Let us know how Billie is doing.  I have to go all the way to Glendale to get the lights for Ms D since Ikea only does phone/internet sales from their catalog and they don't have any at their warehouse. Glendale is a good 1.5 hour by car. I hate driving to LA so much I've actually thought about taking the train.

    OG: Maybe that new claims adjuster inspired more confidence in your daughter. Reassuring for you to know that her new friend is being so supportive. Did you take some garlic for the vampire?  :-)   What is AGM?

    Rita:  Sounds like a busy but happy summer for you.  What a lovely dog - I'm sure your daughter was much more relaxed knowing she was with you.

    Lindybird: Any chance your friend will be available for lunch and shopping trips when she's all healed?  I also wish you could send us some Victoria plums.

    Heather:  OMG!  What are the implications for older UK drivers when it comes to renewing a license (apart from not noticing expiration dates)?  :-))

    AQ: The farms around my sister's house were alive with canola (rapeseed in the UK) on my last visit.  We don't hear much about it here; at least not in California.  

    OK; off to bed.  Have a lovely Thursday everyone.

  • Good morning all and a mixture of sun and cloud after a rather murky start.

    Pleased to say our Billie is back to normal. I suspected she had fur balls and she confirmed  that was the cause this morning. She is moulting again and although I thought this was just something that happened a couple of times a year, the vet told us cats moult regularly. We are both relieved the normal Billie is back. We probably worry too much but she is very precious to us.

    OG I know the feeling - uncooperative veins, it is getting to be hunt the vein for me bit hopefully after tomorrow I will not need a blood test until the day before I see the consultant at the end of September. I would think you will be pleased to see your daughter and she will find some comfort in your visit. She rally has been through a tough time. Hopefully the big meet with the loss adjuster will produce some positive results. Shame you didn't win a prize but at least you enjoyed the supper. As you can see above Billie's problem was fur balls. Unfortunately she is prone to them even though we give her anti fur all treatment.

    rita lovely post from you.  Sorry you have been unwell, hope you are fully recovered now. Although a very busy time for you you have obviously enjoyed having the family to stay and in turn they have enjoyed all the did. What a beautiful face Amber has, she looks so,gentle. Lovely pics of her.

    Heather your heart must have skipped a lot of beats to discover that OH did not have a current licence and you were not insured. As you say the age problem will come into the equation now. Hopefully you will be able to enjoy the reunion but a bit of a pain having to use taxi and train.

    Lindybird you sound as though you are rushed of your feet at the moment. Pleased to read that mother and Amber are now home. Hope it won't be too long before you can visit with lots of things pink. I do hope your friend is getting stronger although it will probably take a while. Such a shame we can't enjoy your plums with you. Sounds as though your freezer is well stocked.

    AQ amazing what you find during the course of a sort out. I always enjoy reading about your travels and seeing the pics.

    Annette 2 shows in October and one in December which I hope I will make because it is Joe Brown. I love his shows as they are so happy and music excellent. What a shame you cannot get the light on-line. Such a long way to drive but if you don't like the driving probably best to go by train.

    Don't know where the morning has gone so off to make some lunch now.

    Have  a good day all and take care.

  • Good Afternoon Everyone. It was a long appointment at the hospital. OH saw three Drs before he then saw his surgeon. Appointment was for 2.45pm and we didn't leave until 6.30pm. They are very pleased with his progress and the graft has embedded. He is still not allowed to drive, lift, or play bowls. It is only six weeks since his operation, so he will have to be patient a while longer.

    Rita, What a lovely summer, to spend so much time with your family. Love your photographs of Amber. I hope you will soon have recovered from your cold/ bug. It takes a while afterwards to feel 100% again.

    Heather, I remember the panic when people where told that you have to keep check on your expiry date on your driving licence. Will it mean that he has to sit another driving test ? I am sure you know all the answers by now. I have only recently noticed that my passport has expired so I need to do that pronto !!

    OG, So pleased that your daughter's partner is being so helpful. Glad you enjoyed the supper but those photography judges must have been taking bribes or you should have won a prize LOL

    AQ, Lovely photographs. My OH suffers very badly with hayfever,  when the rapeseed is in flower. I have just checked on ' stobie poles '. I found that it is 90 years since they were invented by James Stobie in 1924.

  • More sad wildlife news


    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!