Happy New Week all.
I've got a question: What is the price of a good quality but not necessarily top of the line laptop in the UK? Here they come with and without MS software (Word/Excel but not necessarily the entire Office suite). Just looking for a ballpark range? And where do you typically buy them in the UK? Thanks!
Good Morning, ALL!
Thanks, ANNETTE, for starting us off on a new week. Will email you re laptops.
Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!
Good morning, all. We've just returned from a lovely week in Germany - as always we had a great time and were made very welcome. My one frustration is that my knowledge of the language is quite basic and I all too frequently struggle to make myself understood, so I came home with the intention of looking to improve my German at the local college (well, the Suffolk New College to be exact) and was horrified to discover that they teach no languages whatsoever. How can this be possible for somewhere claiming to be part of a university? My odds of affording private tuition are pretty lousy.
Our herring gulls are red listed birds. Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.
CLARE - sorry your good intention was thwarted at the first hurdle! I hope you can find somewhere else to learn German - parents were offered a short basic course when Daughter#1 was doing it at school many years ago, so I only know a little. Maybe there is a computer course you could try? Pleased you had a good holiday.
I could try a computer course but I know myself well enough to know that there will be too many distractions at home for me to make the kind of progress that I might if I went to learn at a college.
Clare I will "speak" to you in German that will make the day for rest of the "Gabbers" lololol I think Bente can be of help to you to pick up some German.
Guten Morgen zu allen "Gabbers"
Ich bin ein badgerista!!!
Do not understand what you mean??????????????????????????
Das ist nicht Gabfest. Es ist Weekly Chat.
Ich in Englisch spreche.