So what is your favourite moment of the 2014 season and why?
There are similar threads for 2013, 2012 2011 and 2010
Tiger Signature
Standing in the VC at LG just as Druie finally broke out of the shell to become the fine bird we have today.
Birdies LG DU update.
It ain't over until the fat lady sings and she ain't sang yet
"Birds are, quite simply, little miracles - and as such they require care and consideration."
Magnus Ullman
My Flickr account is here
Tiger thank you for starting this thread and for ALL the links to the previous years, it is going to be great reading all the previous years again, I will have to take a bit of time to try and narrow them down as all the Osprey following has been great moments for me.
EJ's Memorial Balgavies Loch Ospreys 2023
Oh let me see - oh yes just everything on every nest and in the skies round about and up above has been my favourite - but not as great as the time whiled away keeping an eye on the lovely EJ, OtM and their 3 kids :)
I think it is the season at LG generally! A brilliant season for them, timely arrivals, good weather, plenty of fish and no fighting! Three very healthy chicks!
As always Tiger the safe arrival back of the great Lady and laying claim to her nest. A very close second is the arrival back of my first tracked bird back to the UK safely - Blue YD. After following the tracked ones for 3 years and so many fatalities he gave me hope. Another great favourite was Glesni winning back her nest from her strong willed cousin. So many but these stand out for me.
Favourite moment has to be the return of Lady. She is absolutely amazing! I really hope she makes it back next year for her 25 years at Lowes.
© Scottish Wildlife Trust - Loch of the Lowes
My favourite moment is the return of Lady to LOTL, like Starling i'm hoping to see her return again next year.
My favourite moments is to hear of returning young birds two to three years after we have waved our goodbyes to them or birds that have been identified after so many years off the map. This season has seen a few.
Also the success at Kielder - Fantastic natural colonisation along with the contined success at Glaslyn under BGGW - These two nests do link together. These moments spring to mind immediately.