LOCH of the LOWES;JULY2014

Welcome to our New Month,I wonder how long we will have the joy of seeing Laddie and Lady on the Nest??

I cannot get web cam this morning to check.

Yah!!! got a snip



  • Ha SK2, well not unless those people live right below the nest and somehow I don't think Her Majesty would put up with that!

  • Loved the Fishy Story SK2

    Also ALL of the recent captures, Starling/SK2 and all!    

    I noticed in your migration dates (Tiger/Chloe)  that one year she went on 3rd August, when I seen that my stomach took a lurch, as I will not be able to see her until 5th August, and for some reason I desperately want to see her before she goes, so I think I will have to take an unexpected visit to LotL this weekend rain or no rain, although I have a million and one things to do, but if she goes before the 5th then I will kick myself that I didn't go to see her.   

  • MaryGK said:
    but if she goes before the 5th then I will kick myself that I didn't go to see her.   

    Well Mary she appears to choose a weekends normally, so maybe  the 5th will be too late...

    If I recall when she went end of July it was presumed date as she had not been on the nest, but she may still have been around the Loch, watching and waiting. CHOL:):) making sure Dad continued his duties...

    But with No chicks this year, it is a bit of a Crystal Ball scenario.... but whatever we can be sure there are not too many days left for us to see her.

    From Lowes Diary...

    8 August 2008
    There has been a mystery forming at the reserve with regards to the ospreys. Although the previous installment told of the female’s probable departure due to lack of reports, it seems that several visitors have been witnessing a second adult osprey flying around the nest site. This hasn’t been unusual as intruders have been flying over all season, but the distinct lack of alarm calls has been unusual. Could it be that our female is still here and has just been making herself scarce? We can’t say for definite as it is difficult to get a proper look at this other adult to discern whether it is really her or not.
    The chick still hasn’t been seen fishing yet. Come on, lazybones, pull your talons out!
    4 August 2008
    No-one has reported seeing Mum since about the 26th of July… Her disappearance has raised a little concern, but it is entirely possible that she has migrated back to Africa. Remember that the chick fledged a couple of days earlier than usual (it was only a matter of days, but that can still have a knock-on effect) and the chick is very capable of feeding itself when Dad brings in a fish, so essentially her work is done.
    One minor concern, however, is that the chick has still not yet been seen fishing. It may be fishing on a neighbouring loch; in which case we would not see it, but surely it would be practicing on Lowes as well? It’s still got plenty of time left to start fishing successfully, but it had better get its skates on! One theory has been that with only one chick in the nest there has been no competition, and thus no pressure for the chick to leave and fend for itself.
    Copyright Loch of the lowes.


  • I've only just been able to check my laptop and found this frozen scene - no idea whether this was this morning or afternoon!

    (c) Scottish Wildlife Trust     Loch of the Lowes Osprey webcam

  • SK2 - Thank You very much for digging out those 2008 Diaries to read.    Very interesting behavior.       

    I remember seeing a video of Lady where she flew round the Loch and higher and higher until she left on her migration, and I think it was in 2010 the year that she was ill, it was wonderful to watch and many thought she would not return, oh she proved everyone wrong!   

  • MaryGK said:
    I remember seeing a video of Lady where she flew round the Loch and higher and higher until she left on her migration, and I think it was in 2010 the year that she was ill, it was wonderful to watch and many thought she would not return, oh she proved everyone wrong!  

    Yes it was. Here was the moment she flew away

  • Hazel b said:

    I remember seeing a video of Lady where she flew round the Loch and higher and higher until she left on her migration, and I think it was in 2010 the year that she was ill, it was wonderful to watch and many thought she would not return, oh she proved everyone wrong!  

    Yes it was. Here was the moment she flew away


    Mary is this the Video you meant... still brings a lump to my throat,!!!! This her presumed departure flight for that year.


  • Morning patily and all

    sorry I was involved in searching the above Video,I forgot my manners.

    Thanks for last nights info and captures.

    and yes we have EN at the moment.

    Do look at the video for memories.doh!!!!!!