What can I say that hasn't already been sad about our lovely pair. Dare I say everything here is proceeding "textbook" or is that tempting fate when we know how much ospreys like to throw out the textbooks?????????
As I looked in, handsome Odin was on the nest so, I am assuming, he had brought missus her breakfast. He is gone now.
scylla said:(Monty's back, BTW - seen briefly on the nest.)
Thanks, Scylla - your message was the first I knew about Monty's return. I've just returned home and was feeling that EJ & Odin had not been getting their fair share of the attention so when I found this frozen scene, I thought I'd post it! Looking out over their oh, so peaceful kingdom this year (so far?!).
Tiger and Chloe's Osprey Info
Hi everyone :)
Thanks for all the updates, pics, vids etc. Ospreytatstic as usual :) All seems to be going well for Odin and EJ. Looked like it was a lovely bright day at LG. Here's hoping the decent weather keeps up, so Odin can bring in more of those fish-shaped monsters :)
Warning! This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar. Approach with extreme edginess.
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