What can I say that hasn't already been sad about our lovely pair. Dare I say everything here is proceeding "textbook" or is that tempting fate when we know how much ospreys like to throw out the textbooks?????????
As I looked in, handsome Odin was on the nest so, I am assuming, he had brought missus her breakfast. He is gone now.
Odin with fishtail, EJ has taken it away.
(Monty's back, BTW - seen briefly on the nest.)
Just as well that EJ and Odin are behaving like an old married couple, perfectly settled in their ways and perfectly familiar with each other's ways... cos they're getting no attention from any of us this afternoon/evening!
EJ is on the nest looking very contented.
EJ got a fish @ 1852hr, I have to reboot.
He did bring the fish @ 1852... she just didn't bother taking it until 1854hr, honest!
Odin checking the nest:
Just glancing over at the LG screen - the nest couldn't look any readier, IMHO :-)
It looks perfect, Scylla.
it certainly does look perfect ready for eggs
Catching up and I see its been a normal day at the home for our two. Thanks Scylla for the vids and pics and to anyone else who has posted pics etc. Great captures and things seem to be running smoothly and not like the shinanagins of last year.
RSPB Giving Nature a Home