Osprey Chat Thread January 2014

Chat continuing from here

So 2014 has arrived and the new osprey season now starts the month after next. Or does it? The ospreys at Sanibel are already starting to nest and the wonders of the internet allow us to follow their fortunes.

Then there is more than one expedition of people going out to west Africa to watch the ospreys in their winter quarters and forge links with the people out there. The Rutland team are off  next Tuesday to continue their ongoing work out there. I see that Roy Dennis is going too. There are some other people going out in February.  Thus before we know it , March will have arrived and speculation on when EJ will arrive will have begun.

So what excitement will 2014 bring? Well if it is anything like 2013 then it will be amazing.

Well my big hope for 2014 is that Caledonia makes it back to Scotland and after nearly 11 years of watching I will have seen a Loch Garten bred chick definitely return. Of course one hopes that Blue YD makes it too. 

Of course there will be a lot of pleasure and a lot of pain. But then what osprey season does not have that? 

  • Hazel b said:

    I wonder what became of the young lady that squatted in LOTL nest last spring?


    I often spoke with Emma and ValGal regarding the young female who wanted the LOTL nest. They suspected she remained around the area around Loch of the Lowes. I am sure she may be an opportunist this coming season.

    There are many unattached birds hanging around LOTL and the very nearby Loch of Butterstone  and a few other lochs not far away. Rothiemurchus used to hang around Loch Ordie only 4/5 miles to the north and visit Loch of the Lowes.

  • I have just discovered something quite amazing. Rob Bierregarrd tracks a young male  called Snowy who was hatched in 2011 and spent his first two winters in South America.

    However this winter he has so far spent in Cuba. Is this the first example of an osprey radically changing their wintering quarters? 

  • Yes, very intriguing Tiger. Looks like Snowy found a good spot and decided to stay put. Will be interesting to see what happens next winter.

    RB says Snowy's Cuban swamp is a safe place to stay. Good to know :)

  • Hope Lady has a safe flight back and gets some good weather this year. That is my hope for her.

  • Is this the first example of an osprey radically changing their wintering quarters?

    If we had any more information on Green J we also may be able to add her to the list or not.

    However very interesting regarding Snowy changing his wintering ground or maybe a touch of Blue AW.

    RW - Blue AW or Maroon AA was interesting having spent three and a half months at what we thought was his wintering grounds before moving to the Ivory Coast - it would have been interesting to know of his previous 5 years.

    May I also take time to thank Tiger for opening the 2014 thread and wish you a Happy New Year.

  • Happy New Year everyone.  If only we had a crystal ball!  My loyalties lie with LG, as it was thru this nest I was first lured into the world of ospreys.  I have fingers crossed for another year with EJ and Odin, despite her dalliances.  She will be 17 this year, not a young lass at all, but an experienced one.  I became quite engrossed with Dyfi, mainly I suspect because of the superb camera-work and the wonderful interaction of Ems and staff.  I visited LG, LotL and Bass in 2013.  What will 2014 bring?   So many ringed birds have been seen again, let's hope this continues.  Will Caledonia return, will Rothiemurchus find a nest and a mate - possible Caledonia??!!  So much to look forward to.

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • ShielaFE - A good summary of what we all may wish. I was told at LOTL that it has a good postcode a bit like Belgravia and would not remain empty should a Lady not return. I imagine Dyfi and Loch Garten have similar sought after postcodes.

    The return of Caledonia home next year would be a big milestone in 2014.

    An aim next year is to photograph Rothiemurchus as he just evaded me several times last year on a nearby loch to LOTL.

  • It would be lovely if he were to settle in a known nest, where we could get official news of him!

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/