Italy, Siracusa:
Wednesday, January 1st, 2014 Saline di Siracusa (zona umida IWC) / Siracusa (SR) 1 Osprey (Pandion haliaetus)
[Renzo Ientile]
Tuesday, February 25th, 2014
A89 km38 / Saint-Denis-de-Pile (33)
1 Osprey (Pandion haliaetus)
[Thierry Bigey ]
Comment : Sur un arbre mort
Detail : 1x adult (stationary)
France, Herault, ringed osprey probably German:
lundi 24 février 2014
Les onglous (dans l'étang) / Marseillan (34)
1 Balbuzard pêcheur (Pandion haliaetus)
[Mickael Alves Da Silva ]
Remarque :
Je vois le balbu depuis le pont qui passe au dessus du canal du midi en vol stationnaire. Je pensais qu'il s'agissait du même individu que celui vu le 23 sur le Bagnas mais non. Il s'agit d'une femelle adulte et baguée. Malheureusement, le peu de lumière à cette heure-ci du matin 7h30, ne ma pas permis de voir les lettres sur la bague seul le "5" est visible(bague métalique + Bague noire (individu allemand?)) . Pêche deux fois, sa première prise et dérobée par un leucophé la seconde bien plus grosse sera emportée. Puis fil au N. Super Weekend !
BING translation says "I see the balbu from the bridge which passes over the canal du midi in hovering flight. I thought that this was the same individual that saw 23 on the Bagnas but not. It is a female adult and banded. Unfortunately, the little light at this hour of the morning 7.30, does my permit not to see the letters on the ring only the "5" is visible(bague métalique + Bague noire (individu allemand?)). Fishing twice, his first taken and stolen by a leucophe although second largest will be washed away. Then wire to the Super Weekend!" I guess someone can improve on this !.
Birdies LG DU update.
faune-charente-maritime (17)
Thursday 27/02/2014 Osprey seen eating, by Julian Pinaud at Brives sur Charente.
Best wishes
Hazel in Southwest France
A friend of a Kielder Osprey blog follower saw an osprey make an unsuccessful fishing attempt towards the Bakethin end of Kielder Water sometime after 14.00 yesterday, 26 Feb. So although it looked possible that the two Northumberland sightings on 25 and 26 Feb were the same osprey, it seems the Kielder sighted bird on Tuesday stayed in the area. And I was at Kielder until just after 13.00, gave up and left to dry out and warm up!
That really was hard luck Joanna. How disappointing for you.
ChloeB & Tiger's Osprey Data
France, Pyrennes-Atlantique:
Friday, February 28th, 2014
le Lac d'Uzein / Uzein (64)
[Leticia Collado ]
Detail : 1x (flying)
03/03 09:51 CORNWALL : Osprey, Fowey [S]
one flew along the River Fowey this morning
Thanks Alan.
Spain, El Hondo:
2nd March Vistabella Road
Osprey (Pandion haliaetus, Águila pescadora)