the LG GABFEST Thread for December. 2013

The Gabfest offers condolences to all the victims of the helicopter/pub accident and their families. . May God's blessings of healing and comfort be with them..

We have now come to December when the eternal question is what has happened to the year. Where did 2013 go so quickly? Another season of Osprey have been hatched, fed, grown, fledged and migrated. They brought us delight and humor, joys and sorrows, but most of them are now in their winter quarters. We hope for their continued safety as we continue to follow the movements of the tagged ones..

December is the month of snow and cold and darkness, It is also the month of the winter solstice, when the sun reaches its Northernmost point, turns around and heads back  South.This is that magical day when the sunlight starts to creep back upon us, as each day gets that precious  few minutes longer..

December, is also the month of Christmas.  It is truly the month of hope and promise and joy..