Good morning, all, and welcome to the new month's thread. I imagine we'll have to wait and see whether Glesni has actually gone - if she has, she can look back on a season where she has every right to feel very proud of herself!
Our herring gulls are red listed birds. Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.
I'll just sit with this fish.......I can sit with it if I like, it's my fish!
Copyright Dyfi Osprey Project
Of course, now I've said that Clarach has started to eat it!
I can't post enough captures of these stunning young birds:
So Clarach has got the fish again, poor Cerist she has lost out again.
and Ceirst on the nest protesting for food!!!!!
she flew up to perch , cam concentrating on Clarach eating. Pics copyright of the DOP
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
I know what you mean, Clare. Here's another one and Cerist is still protesting and calling for food.
Cerist lost out to Clarach earlier - just before lunch - so she must be hungry. Come on Monty and deliver one for her.
Dosen't show it on the captures, but the perch is swaying and Clarach is trying to keep her balance whilst eating.
She's doing very well.
And poor Cerist is still making her feelings felt
Blimey! Go Cerist:
Clarach flies off, leaving Cerist disappointed and hungry.
She hasn't flown far, though:
Cerist goes after the fish again only for Clarach to move back to where she was!