In just over four hours time (5:04 am) it will be the summer solstice. A real pivotal point in the year. From today forward the days will grow shorter and we know what that means. Enjoy the ospreys while we can because it will be a long wait until they return.
Tiger Signature
Aah, I think it was a case of oh heck, this is heavy where can I land!!!
Birdie's DU Summaries 2018
Their camouflage is far tooo gooood!! :D
I can't wait to watch the video :-)
Tiger's Osprey News
My internet went down :o What a nerve!
Here comes Odin :-)
EJ had to fish the fish out from under Moffalot:
A contented family still being fed, one beakful for Moffalot, one for Wotadin, one for EJ. Moffalot has given up, and now Wotadin has had enough, leaving EJ to tuck in. It was a big fish for supper!
EJ is still tucking in to the remains of the fish. The osplets are snoozing.
A lovely evening at LG
Now the fish appears to have been devoured, EJ does a spot of beak cleaning, and she is already nagging Odin!
I'm off for now. It's been a lovely day watching the family grow, as they seem to, by the hour!
Cheerio and thank you SHEILA :-)
EJ and Odin are calling to each other charmingly ;-*
Just checked in and thought I saw Odin flying in the background, with something long in his talons. She seems to be following him in his travels.
Imagicat || Tiger's links || 2022 LG Obs
I've been out of the room so I'll see what I can find (hiya CC).
Glad that the chicks were unharmed by Odins heavy landing!
When I was at Glaslyn recently, one of the volunteers there said to me "the chicks are tough little things, much stronger than you think!"