Well this has been a week for birds of prey....with our marsh harriers have been showing well (seems to be 3 males and 4 females here at the moment), some visits from ospreys and even believe it or not a white-tailed eagle! It was seen on the 11th and there have been unconfirmed reports today of it sitting in a tree at Lower hide.

14 April:

A merlin was on the post in front of the Eric Morecambe hide

31 avocets

A marsh tit was gathering mesting material behind Lilian's hide

Great crested grebes were doing their amazing courtship display with weed in front of public hide

13 April:

4 water rails were seen at the Causeway

6 bearded tits were seen at the Causeway

2 ruff were at Griesdale hide

41 avocets seen at the saltmarsh

12 April:

33 avocets seen at the saltmarsh

A spoonbill was reported roosting on spit at back of Lower pool.

An osprey was seen at Island mere and again from public hide

A white-tailed eagle was seen flying over the reserve, very high and was being mobbed by a marsh harrier. This sighting has been confirmed-amazing sight!!